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Posts posted by jp11801

  1. No, they're just looking to have a good excuse to shun him going forward

    Direct hit!

    CJ don't bother with this 'I can come for an hour' shit, come large or don't fucking bother at all. You are the new Grandfrenchtosta

  2. i pulled this from Todd's description of the 307A...

    "All of the transformers are custom wound by hand in the USA by one of the finest audio transformer producers in the world, and were designed specifically for this amplifier."

    if it is the case that anyone can order this transformer, i can see how one could find it suspect or even disingenuous. but i certainly can still respect your position as it also makes sense. this whole situation seems a bit like making a mountain out of a molehill to me, but then again i don't think it such a big deal.

    David anyone can order any transformer providing you know the spec and the company is still in business. Whether another amp ever used the spec is not really relevant. Pete came up with an amp and had a transformer wound to meet his design spec no different than most headphone amp designers that use transformer coupled amps.

  3. this is really silly I could care less if they trannies were sowter, electra print, tango... as long as the amp sounds fantastic.

    I am pretty sure the Pate and Todd have kept out of the name dropping on parts and have let the amp stand for itself and it does fine in that regard.

    I hope Todd and Pete do well with both the FET-A and the 307A amps.

  4. well looks aside I have always been impressed with the sound of the 307a amp, yes it could use some lipstick but the sound is just awesome. I have a feeling that the fet amp is going to rock and can't wait to hear it. I do think that Pete and Todd could do a better job of dressing up the exterior and hope they do so in future runs. I would not make my choice on the exterior of the box though.

  5. I think my amp looks awesome .... but JPs looks even better. I like the red wood. I didnt think I would. The tube socket rings/ elevators or whatever you call them for JPs amp are very cool. Looks like he used a 5AR4 rectifier vs the 5U4G/5AS4 on mine; although the tube could be a fat bottle 5U4GB. Don did an incredible job on these amps.


    I've got serious wood after seeing these, btw Don's orange amp in the center is what started this whole thing. It sounds incredible and was built for far less that the parts and case I chose. This may be the way to go for future builds when the boards show up.

    Earl I really like the look of both of these I went four pin to accommodate headphones that I'll likely be selling in the near future to fund the hd800

  6. The trafo is approx 63mm , I would need to clear the wires too or make a cut out in the side so the cover would ideally have an external diameter of 90mm

    This is one I looked into but it is only 80mm - it could be made to work ..dB

    while Don I'm sure will chime in after a bit, they are really DIY stuff. Don agreed to build mine after we met at the Vacuum State of the Art Conference last year as a favor.

  7. just the Klipsch Heresys to see what they were all about and the LSA monitors that while really good did not work for me. I have had my eye on the Alon Lotus series for a few years and if a Lotus Elite Signature came up at a good price I would dump this pair for them of if some Alon Circes came up same thing but for now these are brilliant.

    Anyone in the area want to hear them just drop me a line

  8. I have not been overly xcited about any of the cary stuff I have heard/owned in general. The 300b amp is good not great unless heavily modded the KT88 amps are ok not great as well. This amp screams capitalizing on the headphone market and looks like it was designed by someones impression of what the 16-21 y/0 segment of the hobby may want.

    I hope I am wrong as it would be great to get a manufacter with the size and reach into the mainstream audio market that Cary has but my gut says discontinued in short order.

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