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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. due mostly to me being out of town the first week of March mostly likely second week of March, you may take delivery first. If you do please post your thoughts.
  2. this is really silly I could care less if they trannies were sowter, electra print, tango... as long as the amp sounds fantastic. I am pretty sure the Pate and Todd have kept out of the name dropping on parts and have let the amp stand for itself and it does fine in that regard. I hope Todd and Pete do well with both the FET-A and the 307A amps.
  3. Chillin' on s sunday morning with some vinyl Ry Cooder's Chicken Skin Music and Paradise and Lunch (damn his LPs sound good) and finished off with a blast from my High School southern rock fetish Marshall Tucker Running Like the Wind.
  4. well looks aside I have always been impressed with the sound of the 307a amp, yes it could use some lipstick but the sound is just awesome. I have a feeling that the fet amp is going to rock and can't wait to hear it. I do think that Pete and Todd could do a better job of dressing up the exterior and hope they do so in future runs. I would not make my choice on the exterior of the box though.
  5. Ken, good to hear you are home and hope you make a speedy recovery
  6. I've got serious wood after seeing these, btw Don's orange amp in the center is what started this whole thing. It sounds incredible and was built for far less that the parts and case I chose. This may be the way to go for future builds when the boards show up. Earl I really like the look of both of these I went four pin to accommodate headphones that I'll likely be selling in the near future to fund the hd800
  7. while Don I'm sure will chime in after a bit, they are really DIY stuff. Don agreed to build mine after we met at the Vacuum State of the Art Conference last year as a favor.
  8. Ken, sorry to hear about your accident , hope you have a speedy recovery
  9. I've got one at the house but it is heavy and would not be supercheap to ship. I'll post details later.
  10. I'm in for cash just lmk when and I'll buy Dan a cigar and bourbon to ease the pain
  11. I would ask Ryan about that amp as I think that was mine that sold to Ryan and then to this guy. He did some mods/repairs after he got it. I only say this as I do not think there are many/any other etched gold filled tops with the recifier inside examples of this amp
  12. you and me to if I had spent 14 hours on the road for a big zero I'd be pissed now just a short wait and this will be in the house
  13. just the Klipsch Heresys to see what they were all about and the LSA monitors that while really good did not work for me. I have had my eye on the Alon Lotus series for a few years and if a Lotus Elite Signature came up at a good price I would dump this pair for them of if some Alon Circes came up same thing but for now these are brilliant. Anyone in the area want to hear them just drop me a line
  14. magic audiophile rocks were not included I had to pay for them separately
  15. Bought a pair of Alon Lotus SE speakers, had to drive a total of 14 hours in two days but it was totally worth it . As much as I love my Alon model l speakers they are going on the Gon after getting these.
  16. Pat Metheny Bright Sized Life , good first cup of coffee music.
  17. cranking out another order for run of the mill sticks as I am smoking my limited editions at an alarming rate and want to hold on to them a bit longer some are 7 years old at this point.
  18. I have not been overly xcited about any of the cary stuff I have heard/owned in general. The 300b amp is good not great unless heavily modded the KT88 amps are ok not great as well. This amp screams capitalizing on the headphone market and looks like it was designed by someones impression of what the 16-21 y/0 segment of the hobby may want. I hope I am wrong as it would be great to get a manufacter with the size and reach into the mainstream audio market that Cary has but my gut says discontinued in short order.
  19. yesterday I had a really nice Bolivar BBF nice today I am planning on a Ramon Allones SS
  20. Andy best of luck on getting these totally restored, you did a great job initially cleaning them up. I'd be completely freaked out with solvent so close to $5000+ headphones but I guess there was not really a choice. Kudos to Alex for stepping up again.
  21. The Decemberists , Always a Bridesmaid 45 RMP singles collection. Catchy tunes and who can resist a song about Valerie Plame:kitty:
  22. Ryan, I have/had the Shure 420s and ety 4s and to me they were both more satisfying than the shire 530. The 530 bass has a tendency to mask the mids at least in my time listening to them. If you want great sound really nice mids and want to without the hassle of an amp then I would go shure 420. The etys are great and I loved them but to sound their best I needed to use an amp particularly to get better low end response. At the end of the day when I travel or am on the go the last thing I want it to drag around a DAP, ridiculous LOD and amp when I can just get away with the DAP if the iems I choose are sensative enough. Anyway try the 420s I think you'll be suprised. Isn't shure not too far from you, you could alway buy one of the guys a pint and ask to try the 420s:dan:
  23. sonically you are better off with an axiom or the evs attentuators frankly either are great solutions. I have both and the axiom is easier from a functional standpoint but I recommend short interconnects and a source that has a standard output volume or higher.
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