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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Bill Frisell, two pay for downloads from his web site 2007 live from Grace Cathedral (Bill solo, this one is amazing) 2004 Live from NYC (guitar, organ drums) the Flacs are $14 but worth every penny if you are a Frisell fan.
  2. Beatles White Album, Russian St Peterburg pressing (noisy but great immediacy) and Miles Davis, Working with the Miles Davis Quintet (45 rpm from the recent box set.
  3. So I had some time over the week to dig into the amp more and WOW it's sound is right up there with the best that I have owned. While I have now had AD2ks, PS-1s and 650s paired with the Stacker my thoughts are primarily regarding the sound with the AD2ks as that is what I have spent 95% of my time with. In short this amp is every bit of good as the other top flight amps I have owned. It may not be better than the others have owned (I'd need to hear them side by side) but it is right up there with them and I'd be comfortable having this amp side by side with any amp out there. The soundstage is wide open with the feel that you can mentally walk around the images in the soundstage. (no mental Jedi mind tricks needed) The amp has great balance and frequency extension as well. I am listening to the 650s now and they sound great but I think I prefer the ad2ks with this amp well and probably overall as well. I am excited to see what the stacker can do with the HD800s when our friends in Germany ship them. Al, Ric and Grahame heard the amp last night briefly before heading off to see Bill Frisell so they can chime in with their thoughts as well.
  4. While I like the feel of a stepped attenuator I've found that a shunted volume pot to be a better solution as sonically it is transparent (to me) and offers greater volume adjustments. This method also often uses much higher quality resistors as it only uses 1. My understanding is the BA will use a volume pot. Dreamwhisper unfortunately theory does not always equal better sound and a device is not always the sum of it's collective parts. I've heard several amps that used pedestrian parts but sounded amazing and I've heard a few amps with a star studded line up of parts that sounded blah. In my experience the most important part of any device is the design followed by implementation/build then parts. For example the stacker that I based my choice to have one built was made up of parts that were available to the builder and most would not use them if they were commissioning a build. I would venture to guess that my amp with many premium part choices is similar in sound and maybe only slightly better than the version made with non-audiophile parts at over 2x the lesser quality build cost. I would advise not choosing an amp (or obsessing) by the type of volume device it uses. I only wish I could follow my own advice
  5. I've had this one for two years or steady use and about 100 cigars a year. The adjustment wheel fell off early on and it's not the most economical with fluid but other than that a solid performer. Enigma Lighters
  6. gonna let it marinate for a bit before doing any serious listening but after just a few minutes initial impressions are extremely good in HP amp mode. I'll test the preamp feature later against the Eastern Electric Minmax pre.
  7. actually no, if it does not come in the next hour I'm outta here, today is too nice to be stuck in the house waiting on the postman.
  8. waiting patiently for my postman to arrive
  9. rock out! It may be time for a Bay Area mini meet to celebrate it's arrival.
  10. Hopefully after I get my hands on mine a few Bay Area folks can give it a comparison.
  11. ok I guess the Moth 2a3 sources with the exemplar cdp or ayre cx7e are not good amps or sources by your definition as the GS1000s were pretty mediocre to my ears when i owned them. Also I had the pleasure of hearing Mikeymad''s pair with his Woo 5 rig and they were also just ok. I prefer an older pair of rs1s to these by a long shot. It was not the bass for me that bothered me it was the sizzle on the top end that grated on my nerves and the mids were nothing to write home about. I do hold out hope for the PS1000s but am concerned about how heavy those two boat anchors cups will be. Sanderman welcome to headcase, thanks for the impressions
  12. Al have a great birthday, bourbon at Alembic or pints at Toranado?
  13. I really liked this amp when I had the loaner. The subject of slight noise/hiss when the amp is listened to at volumes one would never play music at is somewhat acedemic as if you would never listen at that volume then what is the point. The build on the one I listended to was great no rca issues at all and no hiss but I did not crank it up to listen for self noise just auditioned at normal listening volumes.
  14. He's been working on both concurrently the ZDT has been in the works for months. The BA delays are a function of parts delivery not build time as they all pretty much go to the build house he uses. (not sure if the build house is doing the BA or not) I am pretty sure the ZDT is being assembled by the build folks he uses.
  15. This type of article that is dissmisive of the youth population is not new. I would argue that we are entering a new significantly better age for music due primarily to the DAP and computer based audio. The filter of the media company is slowing fading and artists with a DIY ethos can make a recording that sounds great without the concerns of radio volume as it will be played back on a DAP or computer. Sonic arguement is BS as most people listen via marginal systems anyway and always have. Does it matter if it is a boombox, 8-track, rack system... Or mp3? I'd argue they all suck about equally. At the end of the day what's important to the kids is what has always been important to the kids, the music!
  16. How about you just get the fuck outta here as you are pretty much not welcome without a personality transplant
  17. So you basically crapped on the TTVJ FET-A amp their only to step right up here with a blatant ad for this thing. WTF makes you think we'd buy your obvious scamilicious shill attempt?
  18. Great meet so far with great friends and amazing gear. Galibier TT with the Luxman so far is sound of the meet for me. Gary's HE90 rig was smoking with Porcupine Tree New amp from Mark Reid is nothing short of amazing I hope we get pics of this up The TTVJ fet-a is great and sound really good with the APL modded philips. This amp is a steal at the price
  19. He's too busy playing on-line poker
  20. Direct hit! CJ don't bother with this 'I can come for an hour' shit, come large or don't fucking bother at all. You are the new Grandfrenchtosta
  21. CJ really disappointed but I guess friendship means something different to you then to us. Nice knowing you
  22. Don, great idea and count me in for a donation!
  23. David anyone can order any transformer providing you know the spec and the company is still in business. Whether another amp ever used the spec is not really relevant. Pete came up with an amp and had a transformer wound to meet his design spec no different than most headphone amp designers that use transformer coupled amps.
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