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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Ari have you measured the global feedback used in the ZD? When I asked Craig about the above statement , previous made by Earl (I believe) Craig stated it uses very little global feedback? Not trying to create a stink just wondering if you measured the GF or are going on previous statements made about the ZD.
  2. moving the amp likely was not the problem, think about tube guitar amps and the abuse they take. Most likely bad timing and incorrect spec'd parts killed the amp not a 650 mile van ride.
  3. Al that sucks balls, we gotta find a good local solder jockey
  4. Nate sorry to hear that, my house is in a zone that floats in and out of 3g and occasionally goes dead, I guess better than nothing.
  5. oddly enough after I loaded 3.0 my issues that the Genius' chalked up to water damage disappeared. So far 3.0 is running like a champ on my 3g 16gb phone (fingers crossed)
  6. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a great day, now get over to Father's Office for a pint!
  7. Here is a link to A-gon (key word search Galibier) several good threads on the subject At the end of the day any of the tables listed will sound really good and you can't go wrong with most of them. My personal preferences are for explosive dynamics and a mylar tape drive seems to deliver that. If money was no object I'd have gone Gavia and do see myself trading up in the Galibier line eventually. Thom although he is not crazy about % differences put it to me that if the Stelvio was 100% then the Gavia was likely 85-90% and the Serac was 70-75%. Keep in mind the Serac slaughters the VPI SSM (IMHO) having owned both. I think it would be closer with an Aries rim drive/super platter. Why not give Thom a call, I know both Tyrion and I are extremely satisfied with our Seracs.
  8. If you go VPI I would go with either an Aries or HRX and stick with the SDS and fly wheel on the Aries. Not sure if you are still thinking of going TNT but if so maybe make a call to NJ and ask VPI if they have parts for it. I am a bigger fan of the older platter or the new heavy platter over the acrylic platters. Al, did the switch so he is a better place to comment on it. The Aries 1 table uses the older heavy style platter and the new heavy platter is an upgrade from VPI. Ironbut has an Aries 1 that sounds really great as well. The Nottingham tables don't get alot of attention but the 294 table is really nice as well.
  9. Not a huge fan of VPI although I like the Aries and HRX but not the scout or scoutmaster series. If you get an Aries I would suggest the upgraded platter and a cart on the lively side of nuetral. I love my Galibier but it us more tweaky and takes 3/6 months to recieve. I would go raven, teres or redpoint over the Vpi line or clearaudio and stay away from acrylic platters.
  10. The hotel I'm looking at is 89.99 a night and 3 miles closer to SFO.
  11. justin if you want to come out your more than welcome. I know it's just an excuse to go to In and Out burger.
  12. Cross post just in case peeps here that do not go there want to attend. I'm still hammering out the location but the date is firm. Ok folks I know some of us are still nursing hangovers from CanJam but there seems to be enough excitement left to schedule one of our regular meets. Date Saturday August 8th from 10am to 6pm Place TBD I am speaking with a few places, the Hilton Garden Inn in San Mateo is not available on that date so I am checking with other area hotels
  13. spinning the Lee Morgan Leeway 45 RPM, holy shit the dynamics jump of this LP Listened to the Music Matters 45 LP of Tina Brooks last night and another winner from the MM team
  14. Al and Peter awesome pics! I didn't listen to a ton of stuff but Sunday after the raffle and after Greg and I tweaked our backs trying to lift 250 lbs speakers I got a few listens in. Damn those JH13s to me where the surprise of the show. For folks that knew Jerry Harvey it was probably no surprise though. Still love the senn 800s but may put that purchase off for a bit due to $$$. I've got to run back down to LA to hear the Balancing Act and Craig's new phono pre, I missed hearing them at the show but hear the phono pre is a gem. There was so much great gear but the reason to come to one of these is the people Best times for me were Saturday and Sunday night between pool parties and Father's Office I got to spend some time with great friends.
  15. Just picked up the vinyl that Steve Hoffman got me jazzed to pick up. Definitely one of the best LPs I own, can't wait to needle drop this one.
  16. Wayne, welcome! Great seeing you at the Jam, we need to get the islands meet going brother maybe in the dead of winter.
  17. Ok that makes sense I never include shipping in my price comparison thoughts.I should have with part of the shipping over and above domestic ground factored into any price consideration.
  18. I am pretty sure the compass is $238, at least for right now. I don't think there is much out there at that price that contains a dac and amp. I listened to the compass in my hotel room with the sony pfr v1 and thought it represented solid sound for the money. For example it was far better than Grahme Slee stuff I have heard. It is never going to be great at that price point but I feel it is good. Seriously at $238 what else could you get other than a m-audio or trends piece and to me the compass is way better. I may be wrong or Gene may have just been being a gent but when I asked him the next day if the usb was working he said yes. I stand behind my love the the ref dac and hope people listened to it at the meet. I am sure NoNoNoNoNoNo and DB will give it a good assessment. I did not have time to go back and forth between the Sonic Frontiers Trans Dac and the Ref Dac in the week leading up to Canjam.
  19. jamming out to Art Pepper (mosiac collection) and they sound great. I do not have other grados to compare them to but out of my netbook>pico amp/dac they sound great. Ahh the mids
  20. I'll go out on a limb and say these are as good or better than most full sized headphones I have heard. Great tone detail and decay the only quibble is the in head effect most IEMs have and these minimized that effect.
  21. DB they were the 6sn7 to 7n7 adapters the amps sounded great btw
  22. jp11801

    CanJam 2009

    $89 plus tax if there are any issues lmk and I will get it sorted for you
  23. I think I just hurt myself laughing!!
  24. Well I was on the phone with Apple customer relations discussing the merits if placing the liquid sensor on the exterior of the device when all other cell phone manufacturers (that I am aware of) place the sensor inside the phone under the battery. There stance of if anything goes wrong with the phone and the sensor is tripped all bets are off and they will not even entertain if the damage was liquid related or not is weak. There response was basically your fucked (in a polite and friendly way) and fork over another $199 so you can talk and then if you want the next gen iphone that is coming out then fork over another $299 (or so). So basically it's pay $200 to be able to hold a conversation on my cell for the next 6 weeks. F-that, Mike is hooking me up with a spare cell he has I'll use the iphone as a touch for now and search the market to see if anything else out there an provide similar functionality. Well after 6-7 Ipods, 2 iphones, and Imac and a Mac mini I am thinking of converting over to another more robust brand.
  25. jp11801

    CanJam 2009

    packing gear and loading the car now, should be there between 2-4 depending on traffic
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