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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. just got mine today and they look and fit well, I'd like to give it a few days prior to voicing an opinion but they do sound good so far.
  2. I would think the RME and Lynx are pretty equal, there is probably info out on the pro audio sites like gearslutz.com
  3. I loves me the Woo 2 and think it betters the extreme in it's stock form. Great sound, a pre amp ans Woo build quality to boot
  4. yeah and at least I am back up and running with the Sonic Studios 302 DAC/ADC with my replacement mac mini.
  5. well after a bit of research it apears I could sell the micro center deal mini that was the same as my doa unit for close to the price I would buy it for from them when I decide to upgrade in six months or so
  6. Looking to step up the video performance so I may just take it on the chin and grab a new 320 gig in a few weeks when I can swing it. Thanks for the suggestions and I'm tempted at that price as resale would be close to breakeven, but I think I'll just chill for 2 weeks. If a guitar I have for sale goes then I can buy it sooner.
  7. The mini is officially DOA, oh well. There were many missteps in getting the fan and and resetting the heatsink after reapplying thermal paste. I get the opening sound for a second a white screen that announces the screen resolution then the fan blows stone cold air for a few seconds then back to no vid output and it shuts down. Probably look at new mac minis today
  8. as eloquent as ever Kathy Peck took my impressions a few weeks back after I heard about these, that is how I met her and got her roped in for CanJam.
  9. Mike damn you give us better sonic impressions as I have to live vicariously through you for a few days until mine arrive.
  10. Julian, Happy Birthday, hope to see you in August.
  11. Sorry if my post came off the wrong way, just trying to be helpful. My offer stands to assist when I am down there on 7/15
  12. the vpi arms mount on an incredibly sharp tip (I know as I have inadvertently speared my self) and the armwand cup has a lip that can make you think you are in the center cup. Please check that first to make absolutely sure you are in the center of the armwand, if so then ensure that the cable the comes out of the top of the armwand is not twisted in a way that will make it tilt. I'm in NorCal so no house call soon, but I'll be down in mid July if you are still having troubles. If you got the mounting jig with the table I would double check the cart install. Do you have a way to check VTF I would also check thisn prior to spinning a record as if the counterweight moved in transit it could be way off. The VPI manual is pretty good and if you have not read this I would encourage that. All of this stuff is not rocket science, contrary to what most audio dealers would have you believe. I have heard good things about the Fremer DVD and at $30 it may not be a bad investment. Vinyl takes a little up front knowledge but after about a month of playing around you'll have all the basic skills you need.
  13. who says the internet can't teach you stuffs;D
  14. I'm already on that I took the heatsink off last night and check the cpu for scorching (had an AMD once go hot due to my negligence that scorched when getting hot) and it looks fine but who knows. I picked up artic silver yesterday for the reassemble. I found a local supplier for the fan and will be picking one up Friday (fingers crossed). Thanks for all the help folks
  15. well it is most likely different given that the duet is 24/96 capable but I am sure they did a great job with it.
  16. could be a great portable/college rig for under $700 all in
  17. 45 RPM vinyl, tasty next up, also listened last night and hope the vinyl transfer went well as it was the last thing my mini did prior to death
  18. for $250 it will probably beat the snot out of stuff in the $200-400 category but I'd still save my paper route money and get the duet. It would be cool for on the go macbook listening as it seems much more compact than the duet.
  19. Are things like ACPI or thermal mgt user fixable items, thanks for the info
  20. Well I popped the top and pulled the fan and am taking it over to Fryes to see if they have a replacement, if not it's off to the internet to find one. I am hoping the cpu was not fried during the overheating, its been acting funky for a week so we'll see. thanks for all the help
  21. Well in the string of broken shit that has occurred of late my mini may have bit the dust tonight. It won't see my seagate hard drive, won't play any music, won't fire up any of my audio editing programs... I'm going to let it rest for the night and hope I can get it to fire up for a restore from time machine but who knows. The cpu temps ramped up fast to about 210 degrees is that too hot?
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