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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. seriously While I love the JH13s this may be the most ghey (not that there's anything wrong with that) post evar!!!!!! really dude lighten up on the flowery prose and just tell it
  2. the JH13s make my iphone battery die from too much use
  3. The ZDT sounded more controlled and linear to me than the ZD did but both are examples of non mushy/bloomy tube amps.
  4. Vicki, has fallen under the spell of the JH13s !!!!! Mine are at JH HQ getting redone man I hope I get them back next week. Jerry is working his ass off to get these out.
  5. Good point I'm thinking $1000 to $2000 Home DAC
  6. radio, video and bling screen are not really needed for a Top End Sound Quality device. This is a portable high end audio device not a fucking toaster oven, not a PSP or Apple Touch (although I loves my iphone it is not a top end source). Removable memory is a plus as you can load up cards with about 75-90 cds on them and are not restricted by internal memory. This is not a Sony sized company product that is made for the massed retard, it is a NICHE product made for a small segment of audiophiles that want best in class sound quality and are willing to sacrifice 24 hour battery life, slick interface and sleek looks for something that delivers like a great home source. Once I start a cd I no longer need the interface, 7-8 hours is enough time per charge for me for a sitting and again once I hit play I'm not really looking at it's exterior looks. Yes I would prefer those things be improved but they are not deal killers given its intended purpose. Maybe head on back to where you came from
  7. Al awesome news LMK if I can assist in ferrying it up to you
  8. I'd say JH13 are better than the AD2ks
  9. normally when I speak of iems it is qualified "good for an IEM" burt the JH13 is right up there with top end headphone and I totally consider it "high end" without qualification.
  10. Deew Et!!!!!!!! You know you'll sell at least one;D
  11. try Yesterdays the bowed bass is scary goodd the pico/dac is takes them up several levels over my Iphone The Sonic Studios is maybe not an uber dac but dang they sound stunning out of it. Still want to get a home amp made specifically for them
  12. the UNL-2 is a computer based audio interface designed with multiple routing paths. There is a software based mixer and console that may require set up prior to play
  13. with all the DACs you have auditioned its a wonder how you keep them straight.
  14. I sent mine back today after being remolded and I am going through withdrawals
  15. the duet is silver and the Metric Halo has AES, SPIDF and AES so it is not so much a one trick pony. The one bummer is you will need a friend with a mac to set it up initially then you are good to go
  16. Happy Birthday Neil I hope you are out tearing up the town!
  17. Funny that you mention the DAC chip as thus is a constant source of befuddlement to me. The DAC chip is just one ingrediant in the soup and potentially not the most critical. Design and implementation are far more critical, I would wager that the UNL-2 shares very little sonically with either of the above mentioned units. Yeah it's important but it's just one of many factors that can influence the sound.
  18. Ill be interested in the Alpha/amarra 4/sonc studios 302 comparisons. I harbor no dillusion that the 302 will finish third my curiousity is by how much. Oh the spectral cdp is divine, if I had money shooting out of my ears I'd buy one. I was totally intrigued by the demo.
  19. I'm getting mine redone as the fit us slightly loose on the right ear. I'm going to see Francis Miranda while I'm in the LA area this week. Even with a so so seal they are amazing.
  20. who did your impressions?
  21. check the link on headfi I think the room price right now is the low price
  22. look you stop asking questions when you know I am drunk:D Yes I think I can get a room discount, they were cheap like 89 or 99 when I checked last. This is 4-6 mile north of the last spot , they were booked for the 8th. On a side note I'm coming down there tomorrow for work
  23. Just a reminder it's still about a month off though. It looks like Doc B (Dan from Bottlehead) may be coming by as well as several Sonic Studio/Metric Halo dacs with at least one running amarra. The usual line up of amps and such should be present as well. We are now at the Doubletree in Burlingame in a 1300 square foot room. MOTs that are coming as of now are Nekko Audio Eddie Current Head Amp
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