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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. did they mod the cups , driver, pads, cable and headband? ;-)
  2. Wow sounds like a great day, what power tube did Grover use it looks like a 307a but it may not be and were they wired push pull or parallel. Have you tried pulling your speakers out from the wall to get some space in-between them and at the sides to improve imagining?
  3. Niels Pedersen and Sam Jones Double Bass LP
  4. missed my edit window PPM was release in march 1963
  5. This is on the whole not true as the first few albums were recorded in twin track, essentially a two track multitrack recorder. Stereo was still fairly new at the time and England and Abbey Road studios lagged behind the US in regard to multitrack recorders. Pop groups never got the new stuff as it was allocated to classical sessions that EMI deemed more important. There is no dynamic difference between the two track stereo and mono at all from a master/mix tape perspective. I understand the lack of listening comfort with hard left/right pans but this is not to dissimilar to many jazz lps at the time. Please Please Me was release in the UK in 1962 in both stereo and mono as were the subsequent releases through MMT. My understanding is that Yellow Submarine is a stereo fold down and not true mono, but I could be wrong on that count. THe Beatles attended and approved just the mono mixes through the White Album so you could say the mono versions from PPM to Pepper were the only band approved versions with the stereo cuts relegated to several different mixing engineers and George Martin. The Beatles never attended mastering sessions, EMI used different engineers for recording/mixing and mastering just like today. What they approved was the final mix sessions. Mastering for LP occurred at a later date without George Martin or the Beatles with final eq needed to cut a master left up the EMI staff engineer. This price guide shows original labels that were used for first PPM prior to the parlophone label we are more used to seeing. Beatles UK LP's, Identification Guide
  6. Beatles Hey Jude Russian pressing, noisy as heck but the best sound I've found for Beatles LPs in general
  7. digital transfers at 24/192 to vinyl?
  8. well in a few days we'll all have them and be able to upload them into peak le or audacity and take screen shots to see how chopped the peaks got if at all. I went from totally pumped to not so much given the hype. I'm not sure the new remasters will top the best available lps
  9. because they took a drubbing on the internet for the escalated pricing and acoustic sounds had the decency to offer pre order for the next run at $239.
  10. Listening to the Smith, Strangeways Here We Come Rhino Reissue LP pretty good take Although I have to compare it to my CD to see how much better it is.
  11. you can use the genre field and sort by that, I try to tag my LP transfers with the genre needle drop so I can find them more easily, so you could create a genre called HiRes and change the genres to that
  12. From my visit to Vancouver this was the absolute best beer bar and great eats as well The Alibi Room - Reviews - BeerAdvocate more upscale beer selection is 95% Belgian and they make absolutely fantastic steamed mussels in 4 different preparations. Chambar - Reviews - BeerAdvocate I really enjoyed my am walk around Stanley Park it is a bit of a walk but a really nice park. This is fun if you like this sort of thing ( I do ) There are several great sushi places in town and many are outstanding there is one in a eastern food market and it is just a stall but it has great sushi, if you like that sort of thing let me know and I can try to find it. Grouse Mt is pretty cool and if you are up for it the Grouse Grind ( a hike to the top is cool but extremely strenuous)
  13. First watt F1with an eastern electric pre amp really good THe Zanden, Moth and Woo are all great choices with the nod to the Zanden for absolute sq but the nod to the Moth for dollar to sq value I do want to listen to a k1000 driven by the Dared 845 amp just for kicks 2a3 Moth did not have enough juice to power them and I am not sure the BA will have the drive to power them either but I hope it does. The RWA Sig 30 was ok, great neat package solution but a few steps behind the First Watt or 300b amps
  14. actually tone is tone, if you've heard a strat through a marshall or a p-bass through an ampeg you know what the tone should sound like as you have heard the original. Anyone that goes to see live shows should have a good idea of tone. Different headphones do different tones better some do most if not all tones better.
  15. glad you are enjoying it and yes I was incorrect and talking about the desktop by mistake as that is the only one I have any experience with
  16. I never understood the beauty of the SP stuff just a black box with tubes coming out on top. The amps get decent looking with the big boxes but he ppx, mpx, extreme and supra were not particularly sexy to me. I do agree though that at 5K Todd and Pete could dress the amp up a touch.
  17. They overlapped for maybe a 6 months to a year, my point was people thought nothing of dropping 5k on a singlepower amp but for some reason the 307a which to me represents a better value than most of Mikhail's builds gets no love.
  18. Now this in new thing for me but I would not get the BA for K1000 use not a great match and Craig will be the first to tell you that. Any other headphones I'd go BA and the HD800s are no exception. The Woo 5 is a great amp not the last word in any of it's uses (speakers, headphones, powering a stax tranny or k1000s) but in the top class in everything it does. TTVJ 307a great amp and will power both the HD800 and k1000 great choice, not my favorite as it sounds stiffer to me than the woo or EC but an awesome amp. I am shocked that more people don't own these for their sound and versatility. People spent mad money on SinglePower stuff some great some garbage but this well built top performing amp does not get nearly the love it deserves. Also Todd and Pete are top flight guys. ED ZDT excellent amp great at everything you throw at it slightly more bloomy than the BA and not in the same resolution but you'll not get near the the quality of a ZDT for Craig's price of $2500. Anyone else that built the ZDT or BA would likely charge 20-30-% more for these amps based on parts cost and quality of sound.
  19. Ok I'll say it this amo/dac is craptastic at best, not bad for a desktop work tune station but not something to get all warm and squishy over. Congrats on your NuForce amp and I hope you enjoy it, just know that is just scrapes the surface and there is plenty of room for improvement out there. I had one and it is appealing in that warm and fuzzy sense both as a headphone amp and power amp feeding a stax transformer powering srx mkllls. When someone asks what they should buy for $200 or less I say a bank account and save for at minimum a pico.
  20. Thanks a bunch for rounding up the locals!
  21. Just finished listening to Donald Byrd The Cat Walk 24/96 needledrop and Pearl Jam Ten redux 24/96 ND
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