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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Steve Happy Birthday, hope you have a great one!
  2. Picos tend to hold their price really well, I'd suck it up and buy from the source. Justin pumps these out pretty quick, I got mine in just a few days after paying him.
  3. most changes in the market place create conditions that cause a temporary rise in price it doesn't mean that they do not serve the greater good. Also if you view the organic movement and its market share you would see this argument rings false. With a 2.9% share of the overall food market place even with its 20% (2008 data) increase year over year it is a niche market. Concerns like fuel cost increases and subsidies have great impact over food prices than organic ever will I'd argue that most "exceptional people were average people thrust into exceptional circumstances. I too would say that eating organic or riding a bike is not a reason to feel better yourself other than the personal enjoyment one may gain from doing so. The mere act does not make a person special or exceptional. Personally I am not a fan of the everyone is special movement. This did not appear to be your original augment as stated , I'm not arguing that DDT has a lower effective rate that an organic substance. I was calling bullshit on your linking of organic foods to death by malaria or the cost of pesticides (DDT). Both are false, DDT is actually stockpiled in most African nations and some African nations make the stuff. Since it is not used in the US organic foods can have no impact on the price paid by an African nation. I was taking a leap of faith here as the assertion rang a bit crazy, I've really been enjoying some of his latest you tube clips;). He is fun to watch, not unlike my friend Olbermann. I never stated that individual actions that are part of a larger movement are praiseworthy or make any one person exceptional, did I ?? I saw your statement of any one persons actions do not effect the outcome and answered that was not correct when these actions are part of a larger movment. oddly enough all I thought I heard between 2000-2008 is we are in crisis why should you apologize, I believe our society lacks open discussion and often monologue passed for public debate. I learn much from people with differing points of view as it causes me to look into subjects I might not have previously thought to. this did not seem to be cause as originally quoted but it is often impossible to hear the thoughts behind the keystroke. Issues with malaria in Africa is they spray 60-80 grams in homes to eradicate mosquitos. So while the use less that the US widespread use in the 1940-1970s the impact on people is arguably greater. The choice is pretty complex as would you rather have decreased sperm count, increases in breast cancer and brain development issues or 1 million deaths. I am pretty sure that neither you nor I have the answer on this one. It will be fun to discuss the finer points over beer at RMAF though, see you in a few days my friend. X2 and QFT
  4. Bought Jeff Beck Truth and Beckola on LP
  5. Couple of thoughts, first I call bullshit on your malaria statement Whats your source (Glenn Beck doesn't count). Most studies I gave read give pesticides limited lifespans due to mosquito resistance to pesticides. Average people by their actions alone mean little but as a part of a greater movement effect great change. If no one steps up nothing happens if thousands stand up it means something. Taking away individual accountability, stating your lone action changes nothing, is a cop out that favors the status quo (business and govt)
  6. I need to geek out and drop my MoFi, Japan, German and US pressings for comparison against the BT, 87 and 09 cds. I think I like the German LP the best but I need to go back listen again. Needledrops of these are a PITA due to the medley on side 2.
  7. well reading some of the article he is not wrong at all, the original LPs offer equal to or better than sonics to the remasters (IMHO). The remasters are better than the 87s but the improvement come out when you can pick up the details for the most part and the average person may not have the gear or may not actively listen all that much. His advice if you gear sucks spend your money on gear improvement over the remasters. He also listened on a high end TT and CDP that many of us would be more than happy to have, well maybe not he the VPI
  8. X2:eek: almost as bad as us at the beach
  9. welcome Gatto! Take some time to look around and get aquatinted with HC.
  10. Listening to the music matters Dolphy's OTL great LP and so much better than the RVG CD version
  11. Happy Birthday Stretch, here's hoping you have a great day
  12. jp11801


    the pair I heard at a NYC audio show about 2-3 years ago were pretty bad. They did audiophile well recorded small combo stuff ok, but so do most speakers they fell apart when we asked them to rock.
  13. the mono set was done top notch I have not seen better attention to detail
  14. it's not entirely off base in that most usb dacs I have heard have sucked as have usb to coax converters. Computer audio has so many advantages but really in the USB DAC world the only true world class DAC I have heard is the Ayre. I had the cosecant and after a while I grew to really dislike the sound. Oddly on the mac I'd rather go optical than usb every dac I owned sounded better that way over a usb direct when available or through a usb converter.
  15. wow great deal on the set, does it ship now or October?
  16. also stands are extremely important with monitors crappy stands or poor placement will tank an otherwise good monitor. Just saw Nate's post, if you come across a pair of Alon l's in your area JUMP on them. These speakers kept me satisfied for 15 years, they sell for peanuts on A-gon. Pairs can be had in decent shape for $500-700 and they sound better than their $3500 NOLA 1 brothers and as good as the NOLA 2's.
  17. I liked the amphion monitors I had a while back just a tad thin but great for the price. I really look at used System Audio SA2K speakers they are outstanding speakers. I also thought the JBL powered monitors that MikeG in Florida has are pretty good as well
  18. they show as stereo because there is two channels of identical information
  19. Holy Crap, Mono box sounds pretty dang awesome! I still like the tube cut LPs the few I have but these are detail monsters. So far just listened to Revolver and PPM and I'll knock out the remainder this week. I am just about on Beatles overload as the Hoffman board was just about 100% Beatles all the time. Speaking of that the SH board seems to have collapsed today.
  20. will there be a raffle, every good meet has a raffle, if Danny B was running this there would definitely be a raffle also will there be several tables of used crap for sale, I really missed out on this when I missed the last NC meet. Oh and one last thing will there me any guest speakers??
  21. Black Crowes, Before The Frost ... After The Freeze 2 LP set. Great Stuff
  22. Hot damn I want one! Nice amp, can't wait to hear Dan C's at the next mini meet
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