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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. The LP I use to test set up is Stadium Arcadium. If your cart is not dialed in 100% the intro kick drum of Dani California will distort and sound like a synth. I've got the cardas and analog productions discs but need the hifi news record. Very often my state of mind influences the sound I perceive and need more than one session to make sure what I am hearing is 'right' and not just me at the moment.
  2. I like the UNL-2 Mo Betta, less coloration to the sound. SO far the ULN 2 and the ULN 8 are my favorites. For the $1700 clams the MH folks want for a new unit it is a steal.
  3. wow the ESS guys are about a mile away from my office at work
  4. not super impressed with SACD from a Jazz/Rock standpoint when I had the exemplar modded 2900. I actually preferred the redbook layer of many of my dual layer discs, but I may be in the minority . Now DVD-a was a hit with me but unfortunately that format received even less support than the pitiful support SACD received. Personally investing in SACD, DVD-a or even high end redbook is throwing money into a dead or dying format. I can see a high end redbook player over a multi player but unless you really love Classical then SACD is a resource drain that could be spent investing in computer audio playback which is absolutely the future of standard and hi-rez. In other words just buy the Metric Halo unit already Dinny
  5. no it's low brow speak for eternally fuck up or to render useless through gross user negligence.
  6. Just got the Clearaudio Virtuoso that I bought of agon with the soundsmith re-tip and rubt cantilever. So far fucking fantastic, I was concerned about the input impedance of the combo jacks on the Sonic Studio 302 but it just sounds great straight up. I may have gotten this wrong but I understood the impedance to be 200 ohms for the TRS and 3.3k for the xlt path of the combo jacks. This would mean the TRS are in a good place for MC carts and the xlrs are doable for MMs but neither sound great out of the XLRs and the TRS inputs rock the house for both MC and MM, weird. If you ever lunch your expensive cart I would heartily recommend Sound Smith for a re-tip/new cantilever.
  7. the JH16 is a pro audio piece that Jerry is doing for live rock stage monitor applications. Jerry is not marketing this towards audiophiles as there is way too much bass and mids. It was what I think he was working on while on tour with the Cult.
  8. It is a good idea to mute the first mix strip in the panel as that is your analog input. Now if we can get EQ setting we can make custom tape eqs to use.
  9. Bill, I'm looking forward to hearing this dac as your pre amp is stellar and the little 8 watt power amp is pretty awesome as well.
  10. Can't believe I missed this did the extreme break down? I hope not as it sounded spectacular.
  11. Stretch I hate you!!! Your post led me to a search that led me to the agon ad for a Virtuoso that was retipped by the soundsmith with ruby cant and nude contact line stylus. It may not work with my set up based on the input impedance of the Sonic Studio. At $295 it seemed like a no brainer since the retip was $250.
  12. you don't want to but a RCM> If you decide to sell lmk, it could come full circle Hiked 3 miles after a layoff of a few weeks damn I never let that happen again I am sore a fuck. Time to shower and go for a beer
  13. Payton's performance may have been the singular worst moment in my jazz concert going experience
  14. no experience with the benz line but they get good press on the forums from the upper middle of the line Al, Mingus, Mingus, Mingus, Mingus, Mingus sounds awesome! Just a couple of ticks but sonically it is stellar.
  15. Hot Damn, I just swapped carts from the Dyna 17D3 to the ZYX Fuji SB, while I really like the dyna the zyx is outstanding. I gotta hunt down a used airy cart. This is super silly having a $1400 cart on a $200-$350 used table.
  16. I think the software based on wave editor will sound great but I've seen a screen shot of the payback GUI and it looks a bit like a car radio. The beauty of amarra is it takes what Itunes does best GUI and just takes over the playback. I use wave editor to record my LPs and it is a great piece particularly for $79. If I could afford sound blade from sonic studios to record and edit I would as it is hands down the software of choice for recording engineers for pure audio quality. Sonic Studios will get the issues taken care of and in this release ALAC was introduced. The major outstanding issue right now is gapless playback. Oh on the ram issue if amarra is loading the song in play to ram (and I have no idea if it is) that is a good thing and I think we'd want that. I signed up for the beta but seem to just be on the beta newsletter?
  17. to those that are buying mini's to use with amarra eventually make sure you get one that either has 4 gigs of ram or can be upgraded to 4 gigs. There is a significant difference between 2 and 4 gigs particularly if you are going to have any other function running while listening.
  18. the DSP contains mostly EQ and amp modeling so for your purpose you can skip it most likely unless you want to apply EQ to the out put.
  19. I really like the Ayre integrated amp, used it should be in the ballpark
  20. George Merrill sells this type of cleaner on audiogon. It works really well from a cleaning perspective but the mess it creates leaves your kitchen looking like you had a super soaker fight.
  21. yes it skips and will play a few seconds of a song with no sound when you are out of ram, with 4gb that issue has largely been taken care of. I still have the silent start issue if I ma processing audio in another program but not sure its really relevant to most users.
  22. VPI all the way, while in theory the nitty gritty avoids the clean side resting on the cork platter when you are cleaning it by having no platter. I find this to add a large degree of clunkiness and I never felt comfortable with mine.
  23. for used records that were not previously owned by someone with a cleaner the steam clean method is really helpful in getting out the last layer of crap in the groove. I would not use this method on new or rare records as I have not cleaned on that did not water damage the label slightly. I'm getting pretty bad cold weather induced static problems that I've got to sort out. Maybe a humidifier?
  24. Jeff yes, do not use the multi jacks I think it is the input marked R that is the cleanest signal path but I'll need to check
  25. Dan C craigsist.org is the place for turntables as local pick up is really preferred. If he can score a TT with the original box off ebay then that is cool as well. Sony PS-x5, 6 or 7s are great also the ps-x500 or 600 are cool, pioneer PL 500-600 series are decent. Do not get a p-mount tonearm as it really limits the cart you can get. If he needs a hand doing set up I'd be open to lending a hand.
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