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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    Matt are you hanging with friends or so I sense a travel team event in the works (beer bar tour)
  2. Impact, probably not but I do think it offers deeper bass with greater clarity
  3. Tough to say on the zyx vs denon dl-s1 comp as I owned them at different times but all in all I am very happy with the denon Do not use groove glide or other like products as my experience is they can damage stylus and cantilevers by leaving deposits on them.
  4. That ps-x600 is a really nice deck and put out some great sound. I had a ps-x500 matched with a YYZ Bloom and it sounded great!
  5. totally screwed here in PA
  6. Michael nice to see you over here, I've heard there speakers at his house and they sound really great. I'm already bummed that I'll only get to hear these and Al's speakers/system on visits. I had the chance to hear a few of the new designs at RMAF and thought they sounded great although I was partial to the Merlin floorstanders.
  7. Everything I have read stated that a 42 inch screen at 9 feet I won't be able to tell a 720 from a 1080? I think I am going to go plasma for sure either panasonic or samsung, the panny looked a bit dark in the store though
  8. I currently have a 37 inch viewsonic LCD tv that to my eye kinda sucks it was bought about 2.5 years ago and from memory was about $800. My sole use for the tv is as a monitor for my mac mini. My mini video use primarily is as a dvd player and netflix video streamer. I am thinking about upgrading to a better set as the picture from the viewsonic is mediocre but I want to keep it under $1000, preferably in the $600 range. Im thinking about a 42 or 46 inch model. Since it wont be used for sports or high res cable/blueray is 720p enough. Viewing distance is about 9-10 feet away. The viewing room is low light so plasma would be an option, any recomendations from those in the know?
  9. I guess for 24.99 one could buy the Jaadu app and run a mac headless using the ipad or iphone for that matter as a remote screen and controller for a mac mini? I'd be tempted to get one just for that functionality
  10. I may be hoping for too much but I'd love for it to be able to act as a display for my mac mini just to control itunes for the most part. While remote/rowmote are ok I prefer something that can give me the itunes graphic interface.
  11. if you have not tried the playlist feature it seems to work great and is a nice add for CDs like Abbey Road and What's Going On!
  12. Dom hope you had a great Birthday.
  13. really how gullible can you be, it's pretty much the same rendition we've seen before. No third party vendors, particularly what appears to be a minor player would get access early.
  14. I love my pair and rank them with my favorite grados, they are keepers
  15. Jerry had the 16s and CanJam after just coming off the road with the Cult. He said the 16s are more live stage monitors and the 13s were more high end audio monitors. Greg yeah I'd ask them to redo the image if they can.
  16. Dinny the move's main purpose is to convert you to apple>amarra 4 > amarra full after that my work is done
  17. sound is improved over the previous version which is nice as I was thinking of going back to version 1.02. Gaps are shorter but not eliminated which is only a minor issue for me and the sample rate changes are improved for me as I used the 302 for a phono pre and manually take it to 96k which always fucked amarra up when I started a 44.1 song, this is now resolved.
  18. just as an FYI I accepted a job in PA that starts February 1st so this puts my attendance in jeopardy. I am going to try to attend but need to see how crazy things are when I get to the job. Relocating is a massive time suck
  19. I would echo Al's overall statement and say that the airtight is the best cart I have heard to date. The Koetsu is great but really in a different and lower league than the airtight. While I guess lush can be fun, lush also tends to obscure and simplify. I felt that the airtight absolutely provided greater sonic content you hear into the body of the piano on Tyner's solo and you hear more of Coltrane's interaction with the reed with the airtight. Now on balance it also never got bright or spitty. This was the sole downfall of the lyra skala. While the skala it is not spitty in a sumiko blue point special way it is on the brighter side of neutral which to me lent it sound to be slightly thin. The pc-1 has all the detail and a very natural sound, I am in love with something I will never likely own. The only minor quibble and it is really unavoidable is the stylus profile is one that gets in deep into the groove so it picks up slightly more noise and imperfections. This was to me a small price to pay for the sonic leap over the other two carts Al has.
  20. I think I liked the Lyra better, while thinner I think it did more things right on the VPI.
  21. I'd second the funk firm mat, Dan from Blackbird Audio has them.
  22. Well Jay kinda fucked me over at one point over a cart I sold on Agon. It was kinda my fault for capitulating to his customer but he did stick his nose in where quite frankly it didn't belong. At the end of the day you pay your money and you take your chances
  23. Tom that is weird I figured I caught him on a bad day or something
  24. Ari, you are a mad scientist! Oh I forgot to mention this earlier but for those that are considering a Zu modded 103 please buy direct and not from Bill Feil (audiofeil international on audiogon). It's ok by the way as he told me after a funny email exchange that he does not want my business or the business of anyone I know.
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