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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. set up the listening room by hanging the GIK room treatments, what a major improvement. I still have some first reflection adjustments to do but overall very satisfying
  2. I'd be curious what you think of the prism vs the MH as two audio engineers I have spoke with preferred the MH but they may have different priorities than pure audio playback listeners
  3. Andy you will absolutely love the LIO- 8 the dacs are the best I have heard. I prefer it to the Berkeley Alpha (although I've only heard the alpha twice). The built in HP amp is pretty good sounding with JH13s and Audio technica cans that I have tried. I think MH offers a no risk return on their stuff. I know you don't like macs but a mini used for just music would be minimal pain.
  4. Just finished that one a nice listen
  5. way too close to Can Jam for me to even think about attending
  6. Nice score Al now Claire is a baller like yo
  7. Both Al and I are Sonic Studio customers
  8. Greg my condolences for your loss crazy day at work followed by fun playing with the sonic 305 software setting up the monitor control panel, very cool user functions
  9. For those that take the leap of faith and pick up a MH or Sonic unit there is pretty good help on youtube under the metric halo channel. Also I can send anyone that needs it a template to get them up and running fast. The built in headphone amp is absolutely fantastic with Audio Technica AD2000s. I may prefer that sound to the exstata paired with the 404le. The monitor control function really makes output and input control super easy. This feature also makes volume control a breeze. You can also use a contour shuttle express or pro as a wireless controller for the monitor control.
  10. any many recording and mastering engineers I liked the ULN-8 over the Berkeley Alpha in my short time with them. Barry Diament loves them and places the ULN-8 over the pac micro units in his experience. He did a comparison of most of the top flight studio units and chose the MH ULN-8. Doesn't mean you'll like it but in his extensive research it was the one for him. Anyone in the NYC area, Baltimore/DC area or Phili that wants to compare/hear a unit before they buy I'd be open to a mini meet. It is the best digital I have owned/heard with the possible exception of the spectral cdp that retailed for $20K. I did not directly compare them but the spectral cdp is burned in my brain. The dacs from spectral I have heard are good but they did not shake the ULN-8 or spectral cdp from my head.
  11. and yes I did mean 8 not sure how that happened The dac/pre section of this unit is freaking spectacular, don't know how you would do better for the money. You'd still be able to phono pre with a high output mc or mm cart
  12. https://www.mhsecure.com/mhdirect/product.php?productid=49&cat=0&page=1 Wow UNL-8 without mic pre amps for $4K great price and now for those that wanted a stripped down version here it is. I love my Sonic 305 (ULN- but this is $2 less and the dac section is absolutely world class.
  13. can I get a set of pro and normal please
  14. they look interesting how much is the amp?
  15. If we were closer I'd let you borrow the dared 845, good luck on the search also check out GM70 powered amps (great stuff)
  16. Tom are these 211s or 845s everything I see indicates 211 tubes? Transformers need to be good in these amps to get great sound, I really like the 845 Dared I have but in the end preferred the McCormack DNA.5 Enjoy them prior to summer as they are space heaters
  17. Doesn't geothermal activity pretty much pay for heat in Iceland? Glad to see it was a cool show and no one was hurt
  18. so angry so angry no NDs for you then
  19. Al Happy Birthday, sad I was not there to raise a pint with you at City Beer. Hope you had a great night and enjoyed the show. Sounds like you've got a great day planned today
  20. your killing me but to tell you the truth my speakers with the DNA are just smoking my HP rigs
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