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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. optical and the 3a is mini spdif plus the clock in the 305 is very good
  2. My heart hurts on this one , man I wish I could fly out for this
  3. I absolutely fell for these, first in concept and then in person. I've always been a sucker for bi/tri amping in speaker situations providing you can get the crossover right it should smoke a traditional crossover. I've been too busy and additionally lack the required knowledge to tri amp my speakers but have wanted to do something like a 2a3 tweeter driver, 300b mid and SS bass set up coming straight out of the ULN- 8 using the built in eq/sonic tools. Well fucking Jerry Harvey and Matt McBeth did this in a way that really met my expectations. I stepped up with my Ipad (wanted to hear my music) and my 13s and while in queue listened to a few tracks mostly XRCD stuff of Blue Note and the great but horribly compressed new STP cd. Jerry fitted me and we inserted my Ipad and I was blown away by what I heard. Soundstage, instrument texture dynamics were all improved. Oddly the one thing that really stuck with me was the new STP record. With my 13s you can easily follow the bass line but with the 3a set up you really hear into the track with increased resolution that is vastly improved. My relatively short demo, maybe ten minutes was more than enough to get me to plunk down my CC # for a set up. I am going for a new set of ear pieces as I want to retain the ultra light on the go rig of iphone/JH13s and then the transportable/home rig of the 16s mated with the 3a. My only quibble or nagging irritation is at home my signal will be going from my mini > to the 305 > to a coax out to the 3a. On face value I lose the ability to use the 305 convertors and will be using what is in the 3a. While it is a minor concern given my satisfaction with what I heard only time will tell what the 13s > Sonic 305 vs the 16s > 3a match up will yield.
  4. Great thread, Steve thanks for having the courage to do this. My sister and best friend struggled with coming out in their early twenties. Sadly I did not get as much time to hang with you as I would have liked, hopefully you'll be at RMAF or maybe a TX travel team event.
  5. jp11801


    Uncle Wilson had them
  6. On the Penn Tpk, 492 into the drive
  7. Stopped by the t shirt room nobody home, I had coffee for you. I pop by in 15
  8. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    Damn u Chicago traffic
  9. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    Leaving South Bend IN at 10 and stopping off in Muncie IN for a quick lunch at FFFs then it's off to the hotel, eta 2pm
  10. with the exception that verizon runs on a different technology and their have been no reports of increase (million unit plus) purchases of guts for CDMA (sp) crap that would indicate this change. Their is also the ATT/Apple contract that I think runs until 2012, who knows though stranger things have happened.
  11. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    last year David and I got into the hotel elevator with our t-shirts on and after a minute both of us said wtf is that smell. We realized it was us and it was coming off the t-shirts. If a laundry run is done, cold water only and no machine dry, just leave it draped up in the room overnight and you are good to go. Dinny we need all the help we can get
  12. Yes I have a morning cup of coffee headphone, more of a process of elimination than well thought out choice. 007mkl, no good as eating and drinking with them produces annoying farty noises, I do enough of that all on my own TYVM JH13s, at 530-600am it is way to early to get full ear canal penetration going on, after 10am only please HF2s nice but IMO not as good as the AD2ks and miles away in comfort Plenty of detail coming straight out of my Sonic 305 DAC/ADC, I'm sure you'll get to hear it one of these days at a meet or mini meet. We should see Stevieo at some point and take over his home when the wife is out of town highly doubt the R2R system or the Sonic 305 is flavored. Likely it is a factor of the low impedance and high sensitivity that makes them a little picky. People equate low impedance with easy to drive, tell that to apogee speaker owners. It is the sensitivity that makes them easy to drive but I think it may be the low impedance that creates their finicky nature. I'm sure someone with actually knowledge in this area could speak more directly to that point.
  13. I would rank the AD2ks amongst the best sub $1000 dynamic cans, they are my morning coffee headphone
  14. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    will these need to be rinsed as last years had the slightly fishy smell due to the discharge dying process?
  15. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    unlikely this year as of our last conversation
  16. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    all the more reason for V to sport the Flyer's jersey
  17. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    didn't take it that way as I feel people should do what makes them happy particularly when it entails something harmless like tea and coffee. Now my freebase cooker that ever leaves the house
  18. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    normally I don't or have not in a few years but I did think it would be nice to have decent coffee/tea since I'll be on the road Wednesday to Monday
  19. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    got the same things and wanted to help but man I need my sleep and I am a freakishly light sleeper, in your case you'd be going coed
  20. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    is it one of the NY guys
  21. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    when I traveled for work I would bring a portable grinder and single cup coffee maker and a half pound of coffee roasted the night before I left
  22. jp11801

    Canjam 2010.

    yes but I must also bring my grinder
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