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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Just for perspective it's not the equivalent of going to a concert going backstage and interviewing the performer, its the equivalent going to a festival with this many (see list below) performers, going backstage, interviewing many of the performers and then having to choose what you can put in the coverage. My comment was not about the "socializing" but to simply state they came through and did not just snap a few pics talk to Jude and split. Dusty how ever you feel is however you feel. All I am saying is without the context of the enormity of the event expecting a lavish spread of coverage is unrealistic. We received similar coverage to others that were there, some were better some were worse all were fly by coverage with no depth. Maybe thats because they were trying to give a sense of the show to their readers who did not attend and were covering as much as possible in the 8 blog pages of coverage.
  2. Jim hope you can make it! David since you posted flight info you gotta come out, Mike will have the sonic dac for you to listen to.
  3. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Didn't catch the rsa room comment too funny most likely shoddy writing as Ray was tucked in the corner
  4. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    There were several AS guys there from memory but I missed a lot traipsing through the 7 or 8 floors of hotel rooms trying to see as much speaker crap as I could.
  5. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    I fucking surrender you curmudgeons will never see positives in this shit. If you had been there you'd have seen the rather lengthy conversations and visits all the mags/on-line zones made. In particular the guy from Stereophile spent a while talking and listening to gear. It's a fucking three day show that takes up an entire hotel I'm surprised/pleased we got the coverage we did considering the size of the event.
  6. flights booked arrive 440 pm friday depart 500pm sunday
  7. Guys let's not make it that, this in the end may not work out for me as the first weekend is bad due to a family trip but that weekend is best for the majority. The 18th starts to get into holiday party season with the family and the office for most. I'm good weekends second or third but do want you to make a change that excludes any of the core group so I can attend.
  8. PLease go away I hope the same MOD that banned your ass at HF bans you post haste here, Vicki where are you
  9. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Larry as far as I am concerned you are "not unwelcome here" shit you've taken the hits but maybe don't get the overal vibe here. Many/Most of us here are part of overlapping circles of friends that while we care about gear we care about our friends and possibly beer and spirits more;-) Not unlike the neighborhood bar metaphor that has been used. So as far as I am concerned your welcome here others MMV but how you feel is really up to you. Additionally all the fawning over some of the serial reviewers on headfi is puke worthy. There is a difference between appreciating someones review and licking their ass all the time.
  10. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    bang bang maxwell's silver shovel... you obviously don't get it
  11. finally got my library loaded, initial impressions are good but I'll have to do a bit of a comp between this, amarra and pure vinyl. While I get that I am in the minority here I have heard pretty big differences between computer audio players and recorders. Maybe it is wishful thinking or the power of the mind but in a previous session with itunes vs songbird itunes was much better and I wanted to like songbird. So far ayreware is great and has stopped imploding on start up with my library. I did manage to get my 31,000 song library loaded, started it around 11pm last night with the pinwheel of frustration going full steam but by 7am it was gone and my music had appeared.
  12. I absolutely love mine, with three months of solid daily use I hope it is past new gear love syndrome. At a somewhat bloated audiogon price of $1000 I still consider these to be great bargains. It is better sounding than my already very good sounding McCormack DNA.5 with SMC upgrades and 845 Dared Tube amp. Still want to see about getting it checked over but there is ZERo noise coming from it so I think (hope) all is well under the hood.
  13. Rick yes the the 3a is the schidtt and it was pretty incredible from a soundstage, separation and layering standpoint. To me it represented a significant step up from the already incredible jh13
  14. well there are two misconceptions in your post first jitter may depend on a few things, first off is whether you can hear it and if you can hear jitter what amount the ipad actually has and what the 3a ability is to deal with it second the jh13 is very resolving and so if jitter is audible then you would most likely hear it with the 13/16 ear piece I doubt either will be a real issue as the 3a was pretty amazing straight out of the ipad analog dock cable
  15. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Sadly no I passed by the room twice and nver made it in, this is why we need you at the show Yes they are very good but different in overall presentation than any of the UE or JH products. Very transparent and neutral and maybe more spacious than the JH13s even. They lacked slightly in the bass region but were very good. I still prefer the 13s but I could see them as a nice change of pace. you and Dusty are just plain wrong please go to your rooms and rethink your answer
  16. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Dusty which Shures?
  17. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    This amp is going into production soon and is made my Rethm. Awesome match for the LCD 2 and for about $1k it's going to be nearly impossible to best. Very liquid sound with no sacrifice in detail or speed. I would highly recommend this amp. It's powered by a pair of 6BL7 tubes and is configured for both high and low impedance headphones.
  18. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Pliny at Falling Rock
  19. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    Not bad but not great we may have preferred the Zu's
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