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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Blistering weekend in NYC, record store day combined with a trip to the liquor store killed my wallet 1 William Larue Weller Bourbon 1 Thomas Handy Rye 1 George T Staggs 1 Sazerac Rye 18-Year-Old 2008 Anchor Christmas Beer 4 bottles of assorted pretty things brewery Record Store Day Purchases George Harrison All Things Must Vinyl Black Keys Double LP Metallica Live 10inch Black Crowes 10inch Springsteen 7inch Elvis Costello 7inch Soundgarden 7inch
  2. Zoe, have a very Happy Birthday!
  3. Mike next year I'm heading to your house for turkey. Last night at Moms house and today is being spent drinking beer in Manhattan and Brooklyn and spending way too much at record store day.
  4. Vicki I am really sorry to hear this, you are a good friend. Shelly my thoughts are with you and your Mom.
  5. jp11801

    Audeze LCD-2

    I am really liking my LCD2s, these are my favorite full size headphones. Might be placebo but I swear the Moon Audio cable opens them up a bit. I am pairing them at the moment with a Melos SHA Gold Ref that was brought back to life by Ari (thanks!) While not the quietest amp around it is a great match for the LCD2s providing gobs of power, slam and air. For those with a Melos Sha variant have you checked out this pairing?
  6. recently been on a minot HD Tracks bender Paul McCartney Band on the Run 24/96, great sound this recording has never sounded better John Coltrane A love Supreme 24/96, to me the definitive digital release of this recording, wide soundstage very open and dynamic. You'll immediately hear the difference between the CD and this version John Coltrane Africa Brass 24/96 this is a first time buy for me on this release so nothing to compare it to but it does sound great Mingus The Black Saint and the Sinner, 24/96 again a new one for me but this is a sonic wonder the different instruments combine with the recording to really take you out of your normal space Tom Petty Damn the Torpedoes 24/96 better than the CD but not by miles but still a worthy purchase great sound and plenty of extras
  7. While I'm pissed that I didn't get the amp given the amps selling price to 2 members here, The LCD-2 should be a good match from an impedance point of view as the 2a3 drove the L3000 well and they are very similar. Good Luck with your sale and let's hope the Fi 2a3 is a good match for Zu Soul Superflys
  8. Spoke to Jerry today and he is likely for the gathering in tampa
  9. Alex, Happy Birthday, see you in a few weeks!
  10. But I already own an iPad and with the MB Pro having a quicker drive would potentially decrease music pauses/skips while multitasking
  11. I just picked up Gene's MB Pro and am going to pop in an SSD hard drive for performance. Any thoughts on a good SSD at or above 250GB in the sub $600 range?
  12. I do think some of the upper midrange DD tables like the 1200 or the sony ps-x6/7 can produce sound equal to or greater that tables in the $3k range new. I know that is a very broad statement but off the shelf i felt the sony equal to or greater than a VPI superscoutmaster. The sony and likely the technics have the same issues, semi crappy arm by todays standards, the sony has the tonearm wire soldered to a pad that acts as a cut off switch when the auto return is engaged (this cant be a positive. Neither suffered from what most people think are the weak point , motor noise. At RMAF we heard a Technics sp10 rebuilt with a new fancy schmancy motor controller and it was nice but the Lenco rebuild has more snap and pace. I have a Lenco L75 and a PTP coming. Not sure what to do for a plinth but I am considering taking a stab at a DIY (with help) Plywood plinth. If I can make the table work it will most likely be early January before its making music.
  13. Forgive the crappy Iphone photo but the pic police were enforcing the no camera rule John McLaughlin at Town Hall NYC Saturday night. Holy Cow what an awesome show he had Gary Husband on keyboards, Mark Mondesir on drums and Etienne M'Bappe on bass. What a stellar band look out for Mark and Etienne as they were phenomenal instrumentalists. I've always loved this guys work and it was a treat to see him from the 4th row. I can't believe he is approaching 70 as he is in great playing form. If you get a chance to see him on this tour do it. He said next year he and Carlos Santana may be doing a tour.
  14. Wow that sucks they were great three or four years ago when I availed myself of their CS. I was going to get my sister some etys for Xmas but fuck that
  15. Tom Petty Damn the Torpedoes 24/96 from HD tracks NICE STUFF
  16. Dinny Happy BdAy I'm sipping a pint at the Blind Tiger in your honor
  17. jp11801

    2010 RMAF/CJ@RMAF

    CanJams require leaders, leaders that Donate significant blocks of time to an event. To my knowledge neither Aaron or myself have had the bandwidth at work to take the first step, site selection. While others have stated their interest all are essentially waiting for someone else to do something. The annual meet "canjam" will not succeed as an annual ongoing event without a large crop of enthusiasts that are willing to do what it takes. For me the true communal aspect of the hobby resides in the regional meets. Even these are shaky, take Norcal in the past three years if Al or I didn't host there was not an event. In NY it's up to Aaron or Erik. Look at all the meet interest threads with no one stepping up on Headfi. I'm not sure what the answer is but a roving national is not the solution unless new leaders step forward on a continual basis.
  18. Yes the 301 is much more PnP but the lenco from my research needs Lenco gl75 $500 PTP (Peter top plate) $375 Maybe a new idler assembly $140 Plinth $600 Bearing kit (ebay) $30 Total $1650 give or take 301 $2000 to $2500 for TT Then $600 for plinth Not a huge difference both the lenco and 301/401 tables I have heard have been stunning
  19. Peter, great photos, it must have been a fantastic trip. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  20. Every picture of the internals of the speaker appear to show wood?
  21. Can't wait for this meet, will anyone have LCD2s if not I can see about bringing my pair along. I'm up for the steakhouse but read the dress code no jeans or t-shirts so if we are going we'll need to pack accordinglt
  22. must have more details on the EC Hybrid, power at the speaker taps, price sound with low and high impedance phones...
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