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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Carl absolutely it is part expectation, part brain adjustment but I do think there is part of this that may hold promise
  2. Mike since your giving it away I;ll take it!
  3. Ok at MOA I would welcome a demo of a MBP SSD vs MBP HD. While I really do understand why a platter HD has more than enough throughput for audio and I never reach capacity HD speed, use all of my RAM or processor... RAM and SSD appear to have made a difference. Maybe the Monkey of Jeff us around it call me out if I cone by.
  4. to my ears it has increased separation and detail over the drobo. I really want to get another set of ears on this as it sounds very impressive. I have no logical way to explain this as a platter drive either internal or external should provide more than enough throughput to play even a 24/96 file without breaking a sweat. My DROBO always seems to lock up and sounds like a mid 90s diesel jetta. The SSD is also wicked fast (as my Boston friends would say) and makes editing and processing LP rips a breeze. It will not grow hair much to my dismay
  5. Ok it all started with the desire to get away from browsing 2000 plus cds and the desire to have it all computer browsable and searchable. Then came the transporter, cosecant (god the margin on that thing), various dacs with usb>spidf convertors (do they all suck) Then the software Now it's back to the hardware and dang if an SSD isn't a freaking huge improvement, please call the cult extraction team now. Compared the the steaming pile of shit otherwise know as my DROBO, moving my 24 bit Beatles and 24/96 HD tracks stuff to the SSD was a fairly impressive improvement (or I am ready for me meds) Anyone else take the leap to an SSD and hear a difference
  6. Carl/Bonnie thanks for doing this those shirts rock!
  7. this is the worst suggestion ever nothing short of the JH 16s will do on the subway or the previously mentioned Dre Beats
  8. yo fools in Brooklyn it's all about pearl while Dre's , you'll get punked on the Subway but you'll look great on the A-train until you get to East New York
  9. LMK if other colors are offered, I really liked the gray with black graphic Carl had on
  10. Steve sorry to hear about the loss of your Grandfather but it sounds like you have many great memories of him. Jacob, man that sucks I hope the surgery goes well for you and you are up and around soon.
  11. Brent sorry to hear about you having to fly sick. Had a great time and many thanks to Gene for making this happen.
  12. The Eddie Current BA with the HD 800s is a spectacular combo HP2s sit lonely on the table
  13. Ella's pre breakfast, let the calories commerce
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