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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Goddamn it iPhones alcohol and spelling do not mix
  2. Totally jelous!! Just finished a pour of Two Brothers Heaver Handed IIPA Fucking brilliant IPA, Mile sr or Jim have you guys had this. The Gingerman NYC had this on cask
  3. Sschell, wondering how you like the Schick tonearm. About two months ago I picked up a Miyajima Shilabe on A-gon. The Shilabe has deep bass, mids to die for and a presence that the Atmos (while great) can not match.
  4. Last chance I've got a free ticket for the 6pm show
  5. Happy Birthday Steve, I hope you have a great day!
  6. Jeff your welcome to join me if you like
  7. 2/19/11 New York, NY Le Poisson Rouge (on Bleeker btw Broadway and 6th) Bill Frisell & Vinicius Cantuaria
  8. I ust bought two tickets for this having never been disappointed by Mr Bill Frisell. They are for the 6pm show if anyone is interested. Tickets are still available if anyone else wants to come along. Cheers JP
  9. CEE TEE good luck to you and I hope you have a great meet.
  10. Don , nice the amp sounded good in Chicago I'm eager to hear the final version of this amp.
  11. Cee Tee Pmed me early on about the meet, he took the pre pay option out as soon as I pointed the issue out. The first post is way OTT, the only thing missing is directions to the men's room with directions on how to wipe your bum. Overall I think it is a great first meet attempt and way more ambitious than my first meet that Mike stepped up and helped me out with (took over). Good luck it looks like you're going to have record breaking attendance. There is a notable lack of tenured members on the attendee list, it looks like just 4 of what I'd call the core NorCal team on the list. It is kind of funny in that members (myself included) are wary of newbie meet organizers but without them how do you share the burden and grow the hobby. I think the DannyB's and IPODPJs of the world started the backlash then add silly things like hair nets and OCD attendees and organizers and you can understand the reaction. Good luck and I hope this grows the Bay Area's already large headphone community.
  12. Stephan Happy Birthday brother, hope you have a great day!
  13. I've got the 602 and love it, maybe not as good a the 801 but still a nice step up from the iphone/ipad
  14. Save the date Saturday March26th. I think I'm going to this any takers? 6 Points IPA is among on of my favorite beers. I'm thinking of session 1 but could be talked into the later session. More info http://beerforbeasts.com/
  15. Matt wish I could do this but time and money say no
  16. Bell's Hop Slam, fucking outstanding, pissed they won't sell me a growler
  17. It is on cask and is sublime drinking the Tokyo now Stevieo says Hi to HC old school!!
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