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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Yes both the spidf and usb are selected as digital I have not kept the usb in back connected but I can test it in the next few days
  2. back to the 3a the Moon adapters I ordered arrived today and I received the Halide Bridge last week. This is a major improvement over the already good sounding USB digital connection. Improvements on first pass listen are bright edge is greatly mitigated, detail retrieval is improved and soundstage layering is also improved. Yes it adds $450 for the bridge and the bucks for the adapter but it is well worth it for high res and improved 16/44 sound as well. I'll be testing the Sonic 305 AES stream to BNC to SPDiF later tonight
  3. jp11801

    Audeze LCD-2

    you're not alone I could not hear the resonance in that pair either and I thought it was just me
  4. Man I just love the story of how he and Bruce met. RIP Big Man, well miss you
  5. Hey breeders happy fathers day. I hope y,all have a great day
  6. Happy Birthday David, hope you have a great day
  7. For those of us that are jazz fans this is an outstanding set. I've listened to the available mp3 on Laurie Peppers site about 2 dozen times. Here is a link for those that are interested My link The set was pro recorded at Ronnie Scotts during an 80s engagement and the band on the mp3 track is smoking hot. The transfer was done at 24/192 with a 4 cd set from CDbaby.com setting you back $27. There is a vinyl set for over $200 but I'm going to wait until I get the cd set in the mail to see if I need it. I just wish Laurie Pepper would release the 24/192 tracks of this set.
  8. Ryan great stuff, I love the BA and the write up is spot on.
  9. I see it as predominantly a laptop rig and think ( hope ) that the Halide Bridge and Moon Audio BNC adapter will raise the level even higher. I also have an AES to mini SPDIF on order from Moon to go from the Sonic 305 as well. Once that is set up I'll be experimenting with EQ. I am a firm believer that most people have no fucking clue how to use EQ and a little goes a long way. I did take it to an outdoor beer spot yesterday and used it with a LOD from my phone. Sounded great a bit softer in volume than the USB and less leading edge speed. No not unless you got the program Jerry uses to program the DSP settings. He talked about opening it up but I could see that as a customer service nightmare given some of the people purchasing the unit. I wish Jerry had added one more switch to allow for two EQ settings on for what I think in mainly flat and one with a dip in the sibilance range and a low mid lift. This might help shitty recordings.
  10. not typical Sunday brunch music but Back In Black is rocking through this set up. Bass is a monster, nice guitar crunch and Brian Johnson is tattooed on my brain. Great stuff and worth the wait. I may eventually have the gain lowered and I would love to spend a day and fine tune the eq to my personal preference. While it is great as is. I'd love to experiment with a lift from 125 to 400 hz or so and a dip around 7khz. Listened to Led Zep ll last night the early master from Barry Diament and it rocked, great layering and details were astounding. Jimmy Page ran 3-5 guitar parts on most tracks and it was really cool to hear them all in greater detail.
  11. I'd wait until I could afford the 16 as the bass is stunning with this rig
  12. In speaking with JH the conversion specs came up, I think it will do 88.2 but I'm not sure. Audirvana does convert my higher res files to the correct downsampled rated. I just need work on my SPDIF adapter and I can order the Halide and check it out with higher res files. Bass is really sick out of this, think very high quality sub woofer. When you get it play some organ music or Time by Pink Floyd the into after the alarms has really deep bass that I have never heard reproduced quite so well. Stereo separation is phenomenal and dynamics are stunning but vocal swells can be tough, think Norah Jones. Overall a major breakthrough in my eyes and big step up from the 13s. The few nit picks I have is the gain as I am plenty loud at 9 o'clock on the amp and it would have been totally cool to have two sound set ups on for a warmish sound with a 2 db rise from say 100hz to about 400hz or so and a dip at around 7khz and this flatter response. It is great as it is though and it would likely be too complicated to enact. The volume/gain can be programed by JH if desired.
  13. it looks like the 3a is 24/96 SPDIF, not that it is a big deal to me as 99% of my stuff is 24/96 or lower and the Halide Bridge that I plan to use is also 24/96. Vicki this is great news, I hope the fit is great from the get go mine was a bit tight but my ears adjusted after a few days. Hope to hear your thoughts this weekend. The usb out of my macbook pro sounds great although that is limited to 16/44 or 16/48
  14. great to hear about the hum being abolished as I was really concerned about this post sale. As crazy as it sounds there is a great thread on audiogon regarding steam cleaning for records. You need to be careful but it is a godsend for really dirty vinyl
  15. sorry to hear this, did you get a listen prior to packing it up? I was really looking forward to hearing your impressions as I am full on in love with the 3a at the moment. They really do need to a better job of tracking changes to orders. I did not get my hoodie as well but did not speak to them about this yet.
  16. Dusty all DSP resides in the 3a as it does not need to be connected to a computer and can take an analog signal and ADC perform DSP then DAC to amps. The computer was used in a mock up at canjam chicago with the end state being a stand alone unit. Yes a computer is used to load the template into the 3a but after that it is not needed. DSP parameters are not user editable at this point. as to usb yes it is limited to 44 and 48 with a mini spdif that Moon Audio is building me an adapter for to get me from the Halide Bridge to the digital input. Chris yes Jerry tunes each one for phase and frequency response
  17. Dinny and for those not following the 3a development at home The 3a is a 3 way amp that takes either a digital or analog signal and does the crossovers for each driver in the digital domain. Each amp is presented with just the signal required for the driver it is assigned to. The usb is 16/44 -48 limited but the mini spdif can go up to 24/192. The analog in takes an analog signal and does ADC to 24/192 then to the DSP for crossover then the 6 signal are sent to the three stereo amps then out to the drivers. This is conceptually how most high end powered studio monitors work although many do the crossover electronically rather than digitally. I think I got that right
  18. cleaning earwax should cost a few bucks as it is part of normal maintenance for the user earpiece cut out is most likely due to the cable pins not being fully seated as I've had this problem a few times and a good reseat solves it PS the 3A is absolutely stunning I can't wait to hear others thoughts as both Ric and Vicki have a set on order
  19. This was used as my source's primary interface at the Boston meet with no issues. It was a small meet but did see a bunch of use.
  20. They probably planned the repair based on the earthquakes and the rapture. Knowing only the saved were going to heaven (you were obviously were not to be saved) having you spend 6 months on earth while it was to be destroyed with out you JH13s is cruel. On a sane note yes they should redo these after all the issues, how do they fit? Maybe a ride up there to have all new molds done as well.
  21. Brewworks Hop Explosion Cask, very nice!
  22. Glad to see this amp get some love!
  23. Never as it sounded great as is although I did consider it
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