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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. you've really got to be kidding me, you bump a thread that is 3.5 years dead and buried to ask you question. Did you even read your welcome pm. see ya
  2. Dang Matt that sounds tasty
  3. damn that looked like a great time I love some stouts and you guys had a killer line up
  4. jp11801

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    watched the season 2 opener and is it me or are they significantly less afaid of getting zombie blood on them this season than last? That said it was ok, a bit let down since I loved season 1
  5. I scored 6 Bitch Please this week while traveling for business, hope this stuff is good given the $12.75 proce per 12 oz bottle
  6. btw Props to TTVJ for making the glasses for the beer night Todd is a class act and yet another reason to send your money with him. His beer stock was magnificent, I only wish I had brought my 25 year old liver rather than my 47 year old liver with me to RMAF
  7. Carl Happy Birthday hope to see you soon
  8. I have not laughed this hard in a long time, I think Al and I were trying to kill each other and several times beer or hot dogs almost shot out of our noses and we were laughing so hard. I wished I had filmed Dinny's "Tom Waits hits hard times and starts doing supermarket shopper announcements". You had to be there
  9. My take is they are well past the LCD 2 with a more even frequency response and far greater detail, speed and layering. To me they are well worth the additional cost.
  10. Just got back from the airport and boy am I beat. Thanks to all that attended I had a great time. Lots of really good stuff and some really bad stuff as well. Bigest suprise for me was the YG speakers, I hated them last year and they went 0 for 3 in 2010 this year they went 2 for 2 in the two rooms that I heard them in. Not the "greatest speaker on earth" but very good.
  11. Peter wish I had known as we could have celebrated early. It was great seeing you and I hope you have a great birthday in Denver!!
  12. Vicki happy birthday, wish I was there or you were here. Let's celebrate when I get back
  13. Well time for a coffee and to get the room pipe and drape done Tyler what do you recommend this year?
  14. Larry take care of your health first and foremost, no need to bring gear although I really do appreciate what you have done in years prior. There should be a butt load of gear in that room and even if there weren't in this circumstance just come out and enjoy yourself if you are able to. Get well soon
  15. no my understanding is the full signal goes to each driver man I just did a back and forth between the JH13 and the jfetastic amp balanced and the 3a both playing 24/96 files and the 3a just mops the floor with the 13 balanced combo. I am gonna see if I can get some time with the new amp to compare unfortunately it is also going to mean using demo 16s for the new 3a
  16. two best TT experiences were both idler wheel drives. OMA has a lenco driven table that once was an absolute bargain ($4400) and now is a bit on the costly side ($8K). This table with the miyajima carts were heaven. I heard this at OMA's showroom and at RMAF and was blown away. The other is much more reasonable cost wise but requires either skills or a friend with them. GoTu had a 301/301 in a plywood open plinth think two sheets of plywood on top 4 steel rods (one in each corner) and a plywood base. This rig had me feeling goosebumps as VSAC. I've heard a ton or great TTs but these both created a "live" in the room experience. I've got a 401 at the moment that I just need to find someone to plinth it up for me.
  17. I am pretty bummed by this turn of events as my whole reason for buying into the concept was the active crossovers + DSP piece. The DSP is still there with phase and time alignment but it feels like not a whole product at this point. Given the trade off between size usability and sound I have to hear the final product to make a determination. I thought the 3a + halide usb bridge was a top flight combo and one I could easily live with. I'm not so sure that I want the new unit but I'm going to reserve judgement unit after I hear it at RMAF. I've done a fair bit of rationalization on this 16 month road but it is still a DAC/AMP combo for $1800 so the amp/dac is really $600. I am really torn between a pico slim or pico dac amp and the 13s I already have or stick it out. I'm not sure I can keep the unit as if it is a patent issue JH will most likely want to trade these units out and not be able to offer ongoing support for them. This has to be killing the folks at JH, for me it is just one of a few rigs but for them it was a flagship concept. Not saying they could have avoided this but it still sucks.
  18. Don that awesome Steve not sure what my availability Thursday night will be as vendors will be rolling in to set up. I am definitely up for a beer after we are set up. Tyler what was the name of that place you took us to for middle eastern food ( I think) I just recall it being very good and having mint tea
  19. beer oder is in process while I can't get great beer I did manage to order a Great Divide Denver Pale Ale ( I need a decent session beer for the masses) and I am trying to get a 5 gallon keg of Fresh Hop Ale from Great Divide a long shot but what the heck. If that fails I may go Yeti.
  20. yes the show hours remain the same
  21. I hope the YG rooms are better than last year as "the greatest speaker in the world" can not suck as bad as it did last year. I heard it in at least two rooms the small and mid size ones and they both were lifeless. Tom if you get a chance check out any room sporting a lenco or garrard 302/401 deck, done well to my ears they are untouchable. I'd also like to OL at the show but I do not see them on the list, do you know of a vendor that will have them there? Check out room 589 Highwater Sound is partnering with Robyn Wyatt the importer of the miyajima carts on a room. Raven TT, Miyajima carts and tron electronics. Last year Robyn was with Oswald Mills and that room sounded great. Shame that OMA is sitting this one out. I'm pretty excited that we are just over a week away should be a lot of fun. Steve not sure what will be up thursday night given I've got to open the headphone room Friday but I'm sure we'll get together.
  22. ok need a few pointers I am thinking of selling my 2008 mac mini and 2 MBPs and going with a MB air 13 and a new mac mini server if I go mac mini server I pick up the better proc but appear to downgrade in vid card. Any thoughts on this move oh and I also pick up the second hard drive in the new mini.
  23. Take a day of from the web and dang I miss two great guys birthdays GHope you both had a great day!
  24. Jim Happy Birthday, hope you had a great day filled with family, friends and a few too many cocktails.
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