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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Boston's on the Beach blues fest !!!!!!!!
  2. Say What????? The HP 1000s that I owned and have listened to were rolled off in the highs and were not as fast or had the impact of the K1000s. The HPs had pretty great mids though
  3. So if Sunday is the big ride, I'm thinking Saturday is walking beer tour day.
  4. Ok... 75 for bravado but 55 cuts through the heart of Brooklyn with better food and a road beer option. Beer and biking do mix just YouTube cyclocross
  5. David Happy Birthday, it's been too long hope you have a great day
  6. So far Mike, Colin, Dinny (you've got 80 days to train), hopefully Jeff and maybe Raffy?? I'm in for the 55 mile ride but all routes are together for the first 15 miles.
  7. Awesome news I just hope they do a good job Zappa on cd is more miss than hit
  8. Mikey glad to hear the Waters show is great, I've got tickets for the SoFlo show this Friday.
  9. On the link I posted for the ride there is a company that rents road bikes $90 a day for a Trek 1.5, not the best but better than a hybrid
  10. Mike your in alright, beer, bikes, NYC, great food, great friends, music...
  11. Ok it's a bit of a long-shot but it looks like Mike and I are planning to hit the NYC century ride Sept 9th. I'm not doing the 100 mile ride but there are options for all levels 15-100 miles. I'll likely choose the 55 or 75 mile option, 6000 cyclists ride the event and this year there is a bike an bites feature that have many NYC restaurants participating. This is not a race per say but should be a lot of fun and burn enough calories to enjoy a few great beers and great meals. We could throw in a mini meet and maybe try and finagle a trip to OMA audio! Here is the link to the NYC century ride site for any that are interested. Best part is you have 90 days to get into decent shape for either the 35, 55 or 75 mile option. http://nyccentury.org/
  12. Al congrats on the great day! After all you've had going on lately you deserve a slew of these
  13. Pork Tacos as Biergarten Boca Raton Yummy!
  14. Shit Mike that totally sucks! This IMO has everything to do with the cable interface as my 13s have had a similar issue I've just not had the misfortune of not finding the earpiece after it fell off the cable. THe UE locking interface should be the industry standard, although I'm sure UE has some sort of patent protection on it
  15. I was blow away and moved whatever the story
  16. I'm just psyched that she joined today and jumped right into the fray with an insightful comment.
  17. Yes, it is my go to listening tool when I'm not listening to my speakers
  18. You think you know someone... I guess after 29 miles on the bike it's allowed
  19. Yes!!!!!! She totally out carnivored me
  20. Laser Wolf hipster memorial day party
  21. Went nuts at HD Tracks Smile Sessions Paul Mc Ram Norah Jones new one and first one
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