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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Ouch sorry to hear that hope the swelling subsides Getting ready for my sister's big day! It's been a long time coming for her and her partner to be able to marry. Can't stop tearing up at my feelings for her, who knew the straight one in the family was the bigger mush.
  2. The Jet Blue bike case check process was painless and is just $50
  3. I really liked these when I heard them Ina store demo
  4. X2 I assume Colin and Jeff are in with Dinny and Raffy a maybe?? We'll need to plan the post ride feast and drinking spot, Do or Dine in Brooklyn was killer when we went a few months back on the Beer walking tour.
  5. 48 days until the NYC ride, Dinny there is still plenty of time to train for the 55 mile option!
  6. Shelly sorry to hear about the flying issues Jacob really sorry to hear about the relationship drama, hoping you guys work it out.
  7. jp11801

    RIP Jon Lord

    I knew he had been sick for a while, very sad to hear of his passing
  8. you should not buy it, not because it is not great but because you will endlessly obsess about what others (obsessives) have said about it.
  9. I am infinitely uninterested in this digital amp with a tube marketing plan
  10. We can top it off. , no?
  11. Really you think that is a "lower quality" socket? Do you actually check things out prior to bleating or are you just as previously stated parroting shit from other sites? I've owned a few of Craig's amps and none have had parts I'd call inferior http://www.eddiecurr...ube_Socket.html
  12. Mike my brother from another mother, Happy Birthday! Hope your day is Followed by this!
  13. Two wings in started drooling like I was on anti psychotic drugs and proceeded to get some in my eye. Funny as fuck providing you weren't me.
  14. I really like the sound the Pater Lederman (sp) gets in his room at RMAF. I played around with the SMMC -1 I think for a bit and liked the sound of it. Not as good as the Atmos but very good
  15. then why the fuck did you ask ... Part quality is not cheap but assembly had a few issues a while back.
  16. Yo Yo Yo Biggie have a great birthday filled with cakes and alcohol of all varieties
  17. prefer Eddie Current sound by a far margin of the amps from DNA I have heard. I have not heard the 2a3 but the others did not impress me not crap by any means but the EC was head and shoulders better.
  18. Carl glad to see Bonnie and Jazz are doing better
  19. Greg hope you had a great birthday! Hope to see you soon
  20. Mike and I are brewing today Black IPA
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