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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. Bonnie Happy Birthday, hope to see you soon
  2. Happy Birthday Nate!
  3. This is awesome news, hope you are staying warm
  4. Happy Birthday Dan !!!
  5. Happy Birthday β˜•οΈπŸ₯ƒπŸΊπŸΈπŸ©πŸ•πŸ₯“
  6. Colin happy birthday!!! hope to see you soon
  7. Happy Birthday Steve, hope you have a great day.
  8. omg Ed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss chatting with you buddy hope all is well and you are having a great B-day
  9. has anyone fully built his amp up and would be willing to put together a second one for someone that is totally inept with a soldering iron and schematics, asking for a friend πŸ™‚
  10. soft sound, leading edge of notes are muted and to my ears lacks dynamics
  11. love the concept of Zu to sold on the endpoint of the Zu speakers. Not great all arounders, I had the soul superfly and great that it worked with my 300b amp but it really did impose its sound on the music anyone in Europe should check out System Audio or Amphion as a better value and more accurate sound. SA is more pleasing sounding Amphion in more studio monitor like
  12. jp11801

    The Wire

    the wire it a top three series of all time for me!! Love me some Omar
  13. Happy Birthday Mike sr!!!
  14. whose been holding out o me
  15. thanks for the bday wishes
  16. Happy Birthday tall man!!! Hope you have a great day with much wine and great food
  17. What up Biggie!! Hope you have a great birthday with lots of fun, libations ad great food
  18. Happy Birthday Mike - hope you have a great celebration with the family! Your Head-Case family will be toasting you repeatedly thought the day!!
  19. NOLA Brio Trio set, Mike and I heard these at the Florida Audio show and really liked them. I just picked up a set and am blow away with the tone and timbre of these
  20. LMK if you need a hand if you go the intel NUC route
  21. Jeff I used a self built Roon NUC that ran a modified version of Linux. I’m not very technical and was able to build out a fabless Roon nucleus knock off. It did take about 2 hours and a little patience.
  22. the Mytek Brooklyn plus I had did 24/192 and dsd without issue via usb also their MQA implementation is wacky, if you have it enabled it fucks with the sound of non-mqa tracks so you need to enable it to play mqa then disable it to play normal shit. I did get used to the rotary dial and push button menu to change settings after a couple of days. Great sounding device and I thought the phono pre was very good for an included extra and you'd have to spend $1k to better it.
  23. Lumin just added LeedH volume control and they now state you can use the T2 volume control in place of a pre
  24. No the Mytek is more of a Swiss Army knife
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