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High Rollers
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Everything posted by jp11801

  1. That looks like the park, I love riding through that place. Yes the ride is full of older people and some really huge people but some of them really kick butt. I'll get there between 8-9pm tonight, just in time for cookies and milk!
  2. Jeff any beer request for the weekend , I've got a ton of last years 50/50 eclipse as well as a host of other stuff
  3. They want $49 from me for the X model, I read the offer again and still can't figure out how what they wrote doesn't equal I get the X for the $299 I already paid. Not sure if I'm going to send the cash or get a refund as this leaves a bitter taste. $349 is half the somewhat ambiguous $699 msrp but it's not what I thought I signed up for.
  4. Ric, thanks for the heads up, I had jumped on this deal and would not have realized for months that they had no intent on fulfilling the deal they offered. I emailed tham and will be interested in what they have to say.
  5. Much Birthday love to Gene!! Hope you have a great day of celebration.
  6. Just woke up from my food coma, thanks to Mike and his family for a phenomenal meal! We had light liberty and yes latkes.
  7. Gary I'm not sure where to get these but the Stax crew here might
  8. gonna do my best to try and make this one, my company is going through a huge merger but pending the outcome/work demands I'll be attending
  9. Ric very glad to hear you and the family were unhurt in the accident, scary indeed.
  10. Man this brings me back to the first NYC National Meet where I had the pleasure of hanging out with Jason, Jason hope you have a great day!
  11. I seriously doubt this was a pre-meditated way to build buzz. Looks like a pretty cool device that could make a great work desktop solution
  12. thanks for all the birthday wishes folks!
  13. Gary great to see you, V we are planning to get a mini together soon. Maybe an electrostatic showcase with your two rigs! Wow after not hearing an Extreme for a while ( an liking but loving the ones I heard for the most part) I was blown away with Raffy's Extreme and my AT W3000s pairing. Great toe. texture and phenomonal bass.
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