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Everything posted by palchiu

  1. Please update to 4,2,2,2,1 (2 sets PSU & 1 set mini T2) Thank you!
  2. PIease add me for 1 set of mini T2(2, 1, 1, ,1, 1) thanks!
  3. About SS Dynalo Mini, after adjust properly then soldering servo opamp?
  4. Paid, and thank you!!! Paid again. sorry I forget add PP fee.
  5. JoaMat, thank you!!!
  6. Kerry, What are these trasistors Q1~4/Q13/Q14 you recommand to uesd ? Thanks for you sharing your beautiful dynalo to us. Pal
  7. Spreadsheet is locked. May MLA help to unlock it?
  8. Should be alpha's pot. there. GB boards with pots? Is that possible to modify another version to fit mulitple kind of pots? like 4CP601/2500 RK27 as Pot PCB GB's version? Maybe board will longer but more options to fit volume pots.
  9. This should be KGSSHV's BOM
  10. sorenb, thank you!
  11. Single Skinny PS is this version? -> kgsshvpssicfetsinglenewleft.zip
  12. Dear KG, I'm working Ground Grid's BOM, Zener should be 18V or stay 12V that label on board? Thank you!
  13. Thanks Kevin! I'll try other viewers.
  14. Incorrect when open some files with DFN Now V7, not every files only few. Is wrong setting in DFM? Thanks your help.
  15. How about Hammond's enclosures? 1455/1457 series?
  16. It's awesome!!!
  17. 6032 for 10uF maybe easier, but 47uF only 7343 package maybe more difficult?
  18. I saw a smd version from China.
  19. Is possible add smd type soldering pad at GR LV's backside? smd tantalum capacitor looks are cheaper and easy to source. maybe just my stupid idea. Love this board!
  20. Oki PS-900 +1 best entry soldering station I've used.
  21. http://tw.taobao.com/item/39187397355.htm?spm=a1z3p.7398038.0.0.LJVcYv&scm=1007.10137.12549.0&id=39187397355&pvid=1048afc3-54ce-4e56-b97a-e116414b5a20 Similar like this
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