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High Rollers
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Everything posted by drp

  1. Shelly, run Disk Cleanup; it will delete all of the old installation files including Windows.old
  2. Raises paw in interest. Very cool news, Nate. Can I play?
  3. Sell the Aristaeus and buy a WES; compare the two. Then start buying more tubes for each and see which one wins. You're welcome.
  4. Still waiting for the balanced portable JH13 amp notions to hit this thread. I've envisioned dual mini3 cards in a small(ish) enclosure with liPoly bat. Is there such a thing as a very small 4-channel digital attenuator? Not too worried about a 4-pin connector, as it would be easier to hard wire the (dedicated) phone out lines to standard 2-pin connectors that fit the drivers. Single-ended input. Am I crazy (don't answer that)?
  5. That's all good data for when you speak with them; yup, seems the bore thickness is okay, prob more the housing shape/height, maybe relation to the bore. Even when I wiggle my ears, I can feel them move a bit but the seal is never broken. Pulling down on my earlobe barely breaks the seal; reseals when I release. It does feel like the housing is contributing to the overall seal. Wondering the same about having them put a layer of acrylic on the right side bore; seems it could be a tad more isolating, mostly as compared to the Sensas (and how the bore moves inside the canal during aforementioned ear wiggle), but it is nice to not have to remove them from my ear when the girl wants to say something while standing in the doorway to my study, even if she does have to flick the lights to bring me out of a music-induced stupor. Unless you mean transparency-wise . . . the disappearing act we often refer to might be a slight misnomer (IMHO of course). That is, and especially for the right driver on mine, there's a balanced pressure feeling that causes no uneven pressure or discomfort and one eventually becomes accustomed to this feeling; one's mind begins to ignore it as a tactile sensation. I think the disappear feeling is no different than when wearing a good-fitting watch; notice more when it's not there. The transparency and headstage the 13s produce width-wise seems to assist with this sense of disappearing. I do quickly forget that they're there. Oh Crummba! Had I known this, I would have held onto them for the weekend, at least.
  6. Did you ever hear back from JH Audio? It would seem that the outer part of the housing (how it fits snugly in the top/bottom of the outer ear) should keep them from popping out from simply smiling. (Do your ears move back when you smile; can you wiggle your ears a lot, and if so, does this also pop them out?). Can see the bore size being an issue only if you took a closed-mouth impression. This is all conjecture, of course, as is my thought that maybe the one ear impression was not the best. I emailed Jerry yesterday, as I had a slight fit issue with the left driver. Fit and seal were decent; I couldn't break the seal with any level of facial gymnastics, but is seemed that the angle of the bore to the housing was slightly off, causing the driver to sit at a slight angle to my ear (top was angled out). If seated flush, it caused a bit of pressure on my lower ear canal and not comfortable like the right (which is like buddah). Was 'almost' acceptable, but if the driver moved during chewing or spontaneous shit-eating grins, would begin to feel too large in the ear and I'd paw at it to readjust. Was also concerned if wearing some kind of ear cover while out in the cold; which would press them flat. I learned my lesson with a less than perfectly fitting Sensa, as I still need to wear the left side not fully seated and still regret (4+ years later) not sending them in for a refit. So, I sent the 13s off yesterday for Jerry to take a look at; he'll call when they're in his hands. All in all, they were oh-so-close and refits were not unexpected. K, end of (m)anecdote. At the price and planned length of ownership, you really do deserve a perfect fit and it's worth the effort. ETA - see you partially answered above while I was writing; will however leave as posted......
  7. You forgot brown and tan striped......
  8. I'll come house sit for you. I am of course referring to the pool house with the nicely stocked beer fridge. The news stinks; the neighborhood would not be the same without you.
  9. I'd like to play too
  10. RCA or USB if Pico. Why do you ask?
  11. drp

    Happy Veterans Day

    Thank you for your service and your sacrifices.
  12. Mr. Monkey, you are without a doubt JH13-bound; look forward to your impressions. Is it Edwood that uses the realiser? Someone does and reports positive results. Might be the ultimate solution.
  13. drp

    Baby O

    Darn; just shipped off the HEV70 or would have sent to you. There are many HE60 users here and on Head-Fi that are not using the HEV70; maybe you should post a want-to-borrow ad.
  14. She-puff-you long time.
  15. Here are a few pix of of the clear JH13 (my skilz don't do them justice) and cool packaging. Finish is very nice; quality product all around. The fit seems acceptable so far (whew).
  16. Ha! thanks for sharing those. I was going to snag one for Mr. Monkey but there's just too many to choose from (do like 'Confused' though. Field day for all but especially our local simian.
  17. Shel - Ditto concerns on the yellowing, but read that with some cleaning routine (or maybe not), they will not yellow. Post what JH says about the clears and if they stay that way. A really light blue is going to look super sweet at any rate. I considered some sort of super light skin tone in translucent, but . . . opt'd for the clear. (big grin). The longer cable is also a great call for the office, as it's easier to move around the desk with out yanking something. I learned this with the Yuin OK1 (amazing little bud) so opt'd for the longer cable on the JH13. Oh, and I've been listening to the JH13 all evening (just delivered). From the Opus21 to the iMod Nano to stock Nano, they sound great. I was in the garage having a cigar so grabbed an old modified Sony SRF-S84 FM radio to catch talk radio. I could hear the sound booth reverberations; almost like being in the booth.
  18. DAC performance anxiety?
  19. Sorry; Not an upgrade version, a full version. Actually, I was just as surprised; the Custom option just seems to bypass the reformat, reload part. It was however not possible to just run setup from the CD as it did recognize that I was coming from a 32bit machine. I'm half waiting for something to blowup so I can reformat and reload.....
  20. Shelly - Are you going for the clear version with the 64" cable; no artwork? I am finding this to be super-slick looking, in a utilitarian sort of way. Drivers and wires beats custom artwork any old day. For gear, source first all the way.
  21. I just updated to Windows 7 Home Premium (64) from Vista 32. Popped the DVD in, rebooted, and chose Custom for the option. Wanted to try that route before a reformat. Seems it worked just fine and was too easy (pardon me a moment while I knock on some wood). First time I've done anything other than reformat for a new OS or reinstall. It deleted the old OS, cleaned up all misc crap, and also created a windows.old folder containing my user folder (Documents, Pictures, etc.) plus a few generic folders that were at the root level; most of the stuff that I had just backed up. My game profiles from ARMA 2 and other application data-related folders were not saved; just the generic folders. Appears that it did differentiate game-created folders. You should back up all that stuff. On the OEM question, I'd be wicked surprised if you couldn't buy an OEM version, as this is what the majority of system builders use (what I purchased for XP Pro). I opted for the regular version this time as it lets you move to a new mobo; the OEM versions are tied to the mobo originally installed on.
  22. drp

    Baby O

    I paid just a bit less for my driver replacement. With the age of the headphones and condition of the pads, I would venture to guess they at least need to be cleaned. Did it take longer than a few seconds for them to charge up, and equally on each side? If you indeed got a great deal on these and think you are going to hang on to them for a while; drive them with a serious amp, you should consider biting the bullet and get them back to new condition; I was always glad that I did. You can then guard them from dust and be able to enjoy (IMHO) one of the best headphone available. I sorely,sorely miss mine. ETA - Meant to ask - Did they state whether they tested the drivers and that they need to be replaced, or were they just answering your estimate question? They should be able to tell you whether they are in spec.
  23. 250 GB portable hard drive (WD My Passport Essential). Getting ready to install Windows 7 and didn't feel like going the the multi-DVD route for backup. One of my games has a 9 GB folder, which only added to the complexity. No experience with mass storage of this type; just ran to BestBuy and picked up the cheapest thing they had.
  24. ^^ Edge of speaker protrudes further than edge of speaker stand? Yes? How about between the speakers? I have a LCD panel between and wondering if the edge of the speaker would be better well in front of, or behind the panel far enough for the speakers to 'see' each other.
  25. Here's an entry for cheapest speaker stands. I'm trying different materials to find the optimal height of my Sampan-FTLs so grabbed these half cinderblocks from the garage. I like the weight and sturdyness; might just paint and use them. Maybe a trip to your local lawn and garden for some type of small pavers. Double as weights for weighted squats at lunch; win win. For possible desktop speakers, I am enjoying the Role Audio stuff. The smaller version (Skiffs) might be a consideration for your longer-term mention. They are, like the Sampans, a single 3.5" driver, crossover-less design. My FTLs have good tight bass but are a tad rolled off at the top to my ears; suspect the same for the Skiffs (plus the loss at the bottom end). However, Imaging and soundstage are good++, and they have better tonal accuracy than any other small speaker I can remember hearing. IMHO, they have (close to) that Joe Grado HP driver-like midrange quality. Using the Opus 21 as a source/preamp and the Trends TA-10 in poweramp mode (pot disabled), I've been listening to this desktop speaker rig exclusively for several days tweaking the near-field sweetspot to be in my regular tying position. Other than missing some of the high end shimmer, I'm finding this a very enjoyable rig and more than adequate as a desktop speaker rig; not missing my headphones as much.....
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