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Everything posted by drp

  1. Ditto, Colin, received mine today. Thanks.
  2. Haj, I have my Pico amp/dac up for sale. I can easily delay the sale long enough to send to you if you want to try it out. Make a killer deal if you like it. Or, if you want to meet for coffee, I can bring the Pico and the TTVJ Slim, which I just got to try out. The TTVJ is excellent with the 13s, but it's also a great (possibly better) match for the HF-2s. Love the idea or the HA Slim, but for my intended use an integrated DAC is a must-have.
  3. Thanks for the quick portable comparo, Viki, many have been waiting for more information on these three new offerings. Was glad to read that the Slim has the best treble of the three, as my 52+ year old ears are a bit rolled off at the top end; can use all the help they can get. Can you comment on how the Slim
  4. Sentiment echoed. I am still hopeful of what the boys cook up for a balanced home solution. Plus, I really dislike the idea of having to sell the Pico, it's such a great office and travel laptop solution.
  5. Also what I was thinking/promoting earlier, but I think Mr. Monkey currently has customs with similar geometry (?) so must be looking for other markers. As far as the pic, I never was very good at cheeky monkey stuff; I'll just leave that to the Stretchperts.
  6. ^^^ I just grabbed a random pic that used red and white artwork on each earpiece, respectively. I replaced the white with blue lettering and didn't look at the orientation. So, who's the monkey now.....?
  7. The girlfriend's son had the habit of running his classic till the battery was completely dead, and after a while, would not boot up or charge using iTunes. I plugged into wall and kept hard resetting; eventually started to charge. Would then get recognized by Tunes. Write this suspecting that the battery was fully empty when you got it; would start by sub'ng in old battery.
  8. Here ya go...... {{ducks monkey swing}}
  9. ^^ They send email updates; however, hits to a status page would certainly not be as high as a certain thread on another site, pertaining to a certain new amp offering.......
  10. Good call, Shelly. The Pico is a great little amp for the 13s and many other cans. After a few days, it'll be as easy as telling your left shoe from your right; just look at the driver in relation to the cable exit. I have minimal markings on clear drivers and ID a side in just a glance. You can also feel which is which based on the cable exit, put them on in subdued lighting. IMHO, matching drivers is much cooler and pro looking as well.
  11. Good stuff; still like mine.
  12. On the balanced portable amp topic (didn't want to start an RX thread): While poking around HF (still debating an available portable with digital vol), I came across the Six Moons review of the ALO RX. Reads like most of the other next-best-thang, SM-style reviews, but the part that caught my eye was "We are also working on a balanced version of the Rx using a 4-pole mini plug as well as a 24-bit/96kHz USB DAC." Reads like the DAC would be in a separate enclosure, but it seems that commercially available balanced portables are around the bend. Wonder if this is being driven by all the balanced JH13 talk.
  13. Visited the MOT-sponsored thread on HF a few times to see if the Slim pre-order was up yet, not being certain how fast the 1st 100 special warranty spots will be taken. Still not completely sold on a portable amp versus just a simple DAP for walking around, but this one would pair well with the 1st gen iMod Nano; be a smaller combination than the Pico by itself.
  14. Outstanding! Let us know how they work with your vinyl rig; we really need impressions with a good analog source . . no, wait. Calling Stretch to the white courtesy order page. Calling Stretch.
  15. Was the black cable as supple as the clear? I really like the way the clear cable has almost zero memory and and a nice soft feel; really conforms to the body (cannot feel) when the cable is under a shirt leading to the in-pocket DAP. The light(ish) green patina the Sensas turned after a few years never bothered me; I actually like the color.
  16. Those look awesome, Haj.
  17. Question about amping the 13s. A poster on the other site made several mentions of amps with near zero output impedance, on top of a particular need to somehow manage the three-way crossover (how different frequencies are impacted by Z); the additional challenges it represents. Any of you in the know care to chime in? Also waiting (somewhat) patiently for what Nate ("and other") have in mind for a balanced amp solution. If there is indeed an added benefit, I am certainly still game for buying (or building given sourcing the earpiece connectors) a dedicated balanced cable; just swap out at the earpiece for portable use. As to the above para, whether this solution addresses the needs of multiple drivers/x-overs (if this is indeed the case).
  18. Sennheiser HD 201
  19. Wow. Just, wow. The light blue looks great; just what you wrote about wanting. Reads like the fit is good and you're getting a good seal (?) From looking at a few posts, the GS-1 was reported to pair well with the 13s. I've heard that DAC before and really liked the way it sounded, can only imagine how good the paring actually is. Just spent an hour on the back porch, in the New England fall sun, having a cigar and listening to DSOTM with the iMod/Pico combination. Was a happy hour. Look forward to your impressions.
  20. Wondering if Shelly got home, plugged the 13s into that great home rig, and stayed up till the wee hours just lost in the music; now sleeping in. Got my left ear refit back yesterday early evening (must be UPS's last stop) and pretty much did that very thing; now have a bit of an audio/lack-of-sleep hangover. Hair of that dog in 3, 2, . . .
  21. Gear Baby! There
  22. drp

    The Menace

  23. Thanks Bud! I'd sent those same instructions (thinking that a 'soft' reset) to her, hoping a routine reset sequence would do the trick. No cigar.
  24. Reset help needed! The girlfriend's new iPhone crashed (was in parking lot and aborted a utube load) and a soft reset didn't do the trick. Is the next step a hard reset? From what I read, the procedure is to hook to computer and when iTunes recognizes, choose something.... Any other way to reset these devices sans a hard reset?
  25. Sorry to read that you are going abroad, Stretch; we'll miss having you close by. Perhaps a going-away beer night can be arranged? Here's hoping that it is a positive cultural and growth experience for the mini stretches, which is the most important consideration.
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