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Everything posted by nelamvr6

  1. The one I posted about at the start of this thread can be used indoors. In fact I've never used it anywhere but in my kitchen. It works GREAT!
  2. You know, I frequent a LOT of forums where people bitch if you don't post the quote but only post the link. It just goes to show, you're damned if you do... Damned if you don't. There is no copywrite violation, I attributed fully by posting the link. I also like News of the Weird, but they are really not even similar. The Straight Dope doesn't aggregate news of any kind, weird or otherwise. Cecil answers questions.
  3. One of my favorite websites happens to have an article that's headphone related: Link
  4. The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. That's exactly what I was gonna suggest!
  7. Looks like head-fi is back in business. I've got all my parts intact, but I went from a Headphoneus Supremus to a 100+ Member! Oh well... Doesn't look like I'm alone in that boat. In the end, this has worked out great, cause now I found another great headphone site!
  8. I listen at what I guess I would call a "moderate"level, but my volume pot is usually about 2 o'clock.
  9. I found this place that's to postjack tipping me off... Thanks man!
  10. Schweet score! I know a few folks who have gone through the re-foam thing. If done right (and I've heard it's fairly simple) the speakers sound great when all is said and done. I'm pretty sure PartsExpress sells the re-foam kits... Yep, they do. Just do a search for "surround kit advent" and you'll see a bunch of them.
  11. You can find guides on converting popcorn poppers into coffee roasters over at coffeegeek.com. One thing you have to watch out for, you don't want poppers that have their air intake at the bottom, it has to be on the sides. Otherwise you could start a fire and ruin your whole afternoon...
  12. There are 5 preset profiles, and that's it. You can adjust the time, but the profiles remain the same. So far I've only used 3 of the 5, and I do most of my roasting with P1, which is pretty much max temp until the cooling cycle begins. You can see the profiles here.
  13. You and me both... But I don't do espresso, so I can make do with a lesser grinder for now. I wonder what the catch is with the free grinder. It's prolly not the best, but it would be a step up from a blade grinder...
  14. I haven't tried any pound roasts, it's just me here... But I have done a whole bunch of 1/2 pound roasts and I haven't set the smoke detector off once! There is the aroma of coffee roasting, it's not completely odorless. But there's very little smoke. You can achieve a full city+ on 1/2 pound roasts, and probably even darker by telling the machine that you're roasting a full pound... On pound roasts prolly the darkest you'll get is a full city.
  15. The only thing I can say for certain is that I really want to hear it!
  16. Hard telling... the way Fripp records, there's simply no knowing what has already been recorded... He may very well have not recorded the drum parts, or even have different drummers already recorded. Or maybe Gavin won't be on the record but on the tour...
  17. Interesting news on several levels. Here's a link to the story. I really like Gavin's drumming, and it would be really interesting to hear him with King Crimson, but I really hope he doesn't leave Porcupine Tree permanently!
  18. Yeah, I suppose if you burn them they can smell like shit. Likewise if you don't like coffee I suppose you won't like the smell. But it doesn't smell bad when I roast, it smells delicious!
  19. Holy shit what a great show! That guy knows how to spank that plank! And the whole band was tight, they were really on last night! It was kind of a weird venue, a high school auditorium. There was a sign on the wall saying that max occupancy was 1250. The acoustics were superb!
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Who, me? Who said I could afford it?
  22. Man, I am a roasting FOOL right now! I can't stop! Today I got my new roaster: It's a Behmor 1600. This thing rocks! It'll do up to a full #, and so far I have yet to see a single wisp of smoke! Of course I've only done 1/4 # batches so far, but still... It has 5 roast profiles built-in. So far I've only tried 2. It'll take me a while to try all five. I can't wait until tomorrow morning to get my first taste!
  23. You need a hug? I'm there for you...
  24. On the bright side maybe some of those posts where I managed to get my ass on my shoulders will disappear...
  25. When I had my tonsils out at age 8 they told me I could eat all the ice cream i wanted. So you have that to look forward to...
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