To kind of add onto what was said in the above, one of the problems that i see with Head Fi is at times there isn't even an attempt to be consistent. And yes, part of having a good long lasting forum is attempting to keep around regs who hopefully truly do have knowledge and experience, rather than some "experience" garnished from knee jerk level impressions.
And before you go off on this whole thing about "what do you expect us to do" attitude, you're a moderator. That job is thankless and crappy and oftentimes making the right decision means you're going to catch a lot of shit. And yes, I've been a moderator/admin in the past for a largish forum, so yes I know what I'm talking about. But in the end you still have to make that decision, even though in the short term, you might loose popularity points.
And yes, realize that this forum was created as a reaction to the poor state of head fi, which IMO has degenerated further since the creation of HC.
That said, Head Fi seems to be going in a more positive direction, which is good, but there's still a lot of work to be done, much of which should have been done long ago as there have been issues that have gone from bad to spun out of control.