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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. Pardon my stupidity but what the hell does non commercial mean anyways? Are we talking about no donations from companies or something? Or no members who happen to be manufacturers or something? Heh AFAIK, the people from companies, atleast the big ones, would never rule here or at Headwize.
  2. Here's how I see it. If you really want to merge sites (having one entity rather than many), to me the logical location would be headwize. It has the name that people recognize and such like that, and it would make it more logical to make it a focal meeting point. That said of course, if headwize is the place to meet or whatnot, then what it needs to do is add/expand it's more general forums (1 forum that compasses around 3-5 categories just isn't going to do it). There's also the issue of clashing ideologies, if we merge, who's going to run the show? Invariably isssues of administration are what forced the issues of exodus to the DIY contigent. And also, I hate to say it but the DIY community is it's own community already and to essentially bring the two communities together is just messy. And yes, I could see a spliterring in a few months anyways over it. I mean for people like me who are perfectly happy buying a comercial product, I have no place on Headwize, as I have no interest in DIY amps or the engineering aspects that goes behind headamps and other items. *awaits morsel's claws of death* The closest for the forseaable future that I will get to engineering aspects is tube rolling and maybe op amp rolling if I ever get another op amp based product. There's an inherent difference in systems of thought for people like me and people who DIY. I hate to say it but i go by what sounds good and I care little if it's the favorable, neutral or whatever choice from an engineering standpoint. Would a place like headwize or the members that make up headwize (and hence resonate that ideology that people should somehow have engineering knowledge backgrounds and the knowledge of the aspects of it be a part of the expereince), welcome me? I have have to say no, atleast looking at how it currently is. I mean I talk to Mikhail of Singlepower quite often on the phone and I told him basically this "You're the engineer so I let you handle that becasue I don't really care to know that kind of stuff". Apathetic though it might be, I don't really care, if it sounds good it sounds good. If anything I'm more a musician than engineer ( I was a pretty big choir buff/budding composer in HS...), which as I see it is almost the polar opposite. And hence for general hobbyists I think it's better to have a sight. If you want to talk about merging we can do that but unfortuantely, I think that the split from Head Fi has created it's own community with it's own ideology, and basically going back the direction it came from might be too messy and essentially a negative thing in the long run. I think if we did merge, we would be just back to where we came from, a year from now or so.
  3. Even though I'm not a DIYer, it might be more generically beneficial to have the strong DIY minds be at Headwize and have it maintain the DIY headquarters if you will, I mean everyone knows what Headwize is and knows how to get there. This forum from what I can see is stilll hush hush and even if it does grow, I doubt that it would ever go mainstream, atleast not in the appriciable near term. It aslso is much more generic in it's scope, whereas headwize is basically dominated by the DIY scene so it might just be practical to keep the forums seperate. Although it would be nice to have you guys drop in every now and then... Personally I'm of the view thathe less movements that are made the better. As far as headfi goes, regardless of whether Rickcr42 is a mod or not it's still a cespool, and heh I mean just look at the removal of the things notifying people for the chat room (headphone hifi), which incidentally might spawn another forum of it's own headphone-hifi.org. So check back in about 6 months to see if headfi really has changed for the better but I doubt it.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I'm very surpised it didn't win Best Picture, but I'm still very happy it didn't.
  5. Atleast Brokeback Mountain didn't win best picture, although it was funny seeing best director and best picture going to different movies.
  6. I wanna be able to report myself!!
  7. Mine just got here about 15 minutes ago :)/
  8. Congrats
  9. That's what I'm curious about too!!
  10. PFKMan23

    My HF1 Mods

    Custom job FTW?
  11. PFKMan23

    My HF1 Mods

    I think I might just ask larry how much a ebony deep depth woody would cost.
  12. Sony D368 Sennheiser PX100
  13. Honestly it really depends though. For example at the Maxi meet I loved the MPX3s, so hence I'm getting one (shouldbe here early next week, d'oh!). But at that meet I hated the HF-1s, but I got one anyways and I don't nearly hate them as much, although I do love my sennsmore. But heh, I figure at some point I'l end up grabbing one.
  14. Maybe or maybe not. GE's opinion is very valuable to me.
  15. Then I will have to post many pics of me smiling like GE.
  16. Yes.
  17. *ponders*
  18. Yes you do.
  19. That's true but squeezing my teddy bears would be so much more satisfying
  20. Heh, I'll call Lavry on Monday then I guess. Although GE needs to chime in if I should get it.
  21. HGEh I wonder, should I just go all the way and get one then?
  22. PFKMan23

    akg 701

    Hmm... Well I was thinking about getting a 600, so maybe instead I'll use my 701s to fill the void.
  23. Tomorrow has me conflicted. Tomorrow is a local meet (about 5 minutes away), but yet all of my Teddy bears will be in Cincy
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