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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. That guy approves
  2. Congrats, but I think you need to tell them to makea drug that would allow people to grin like GE
  3. PFKMan23

    AKG 701

    The 650s are defintely darker than the k701s. no question or doubts about it.
  4. I do currently own standard depth woodies, yes. In a sense I'm consdering "upgrading" them to deep and I guess I want some impression to see if it's worthwhile. As far as the weight goes, honestly I don't really care as I'm in a high back chair at home that I can use to help with that so...
  5. Well I do have my MPX3 (currently being messed with at SP...), but I'm also thinking about getting a balanced solidstate amp of some kind...
  6. Honestly, I've never found weight to be a particular issue with my Senns or that they are fatiguing. Although I suppose any can that has added weight could become a problem. I'm having trouble picturing how the woodies have the compressing nature on the pads though...
  7. Well GE has them and blessingsx had them as well so... I'm not sure how I see how the woodies would affect transparency and dynamics. What about soundstage?
  8. To the limited few who have /had Senn Headphile woodies, the deep depth type, do you guys think they are worth it? Do they affect the sound in a positive matter? Any wood suggestions (except GE's ugly woodies). Maybe some crazy Ebony deep depth woodies?
  9. A couple months back I remeber reading that, but as I said he scrapped the diea, well, unless he resurrected it in stealth mode.... *shrugs*
  10. Unless this is something that he's doing and not announcing officially on Head Fi, there is no "mellower" sounding HOrnet. A while back he was saying he might do that, but then again a day later he said the sound signature would stay how it is and caning it would be caving into a few displeased individuals or some BS like that.
  11. Too bad you're sending that to me so..
  12. Your hair, nothing else.
  13. Which amp? And the guy in that pic has a very very squeezable belly
  14. We need to have an ugly amp mini meet!!
  15. That certainly is possible..
  16. Yes.
  17. Most of my music would be under guilty pleasures classification. Let's see... The most recent would be Backstreet Boys CD, the High School Musical Sountrack, the list goes on and on...
  18. Where are the impressions??
  19. Hmm.. I understand the concept of so called "high end portables" but I also do agree that they are fairly overhyped and overstated in what they can do. In the contexty for what they wrere desgined for, they do a good job (decent quality for listening on the go/away from home, etc..). However I also do agree that the ability of these portables are overstated, by a fairly large degree. All you have to do is look at whatthey are desgined to do and whatthey have to play with. You need a small packge that gives good sound and decent battery life. Somewhere in there, sacrfices can and will be made. Invariably in a portable aplication battery ife is a huge factor and from where I stand, the largest barrier. I mean I'm sure that it could be done where the portables compare or even prove to be sueprior to home amps in their price range, but given that battery life is alwaysd a concern as well as size (and it should be), that is the key sacrifice that has bee n made. And IMO, if you actuaLly compared a "home amp" with a portable amp in it's price bracket the limitations of the portable would be clearly evident, and the limitations of the stationary solution being fairly obvious. That being said, true "home amps" don't even begin until atleast $150 or so with many of the comparisons for home amps coming at the $300+ pricepoint in the portable segment which is in fact only a few products. Another key is how you evaluate it. If you evaluate both units ars so called "home" amps, then it would be more evident to see the defficIencies of the portable unit than the home, which is the comparison that is otentimes made (___ portable amp compares very well to home amps in it's price range). So yes whiel I do feel that they have come quite a ways forward, I also think that they have quitea ways to go if they want to truly compete with home amps in theiir respective price brackets if there are any at all.
  20. Nice speakers Toddy
  21. Probably. The L3000s are bass behemouths, making the 650s bass quantity look like nothing.
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