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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. 14n7s I think. One is a NU Gray glass I think.
  2. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    I'm going to love seeing GE and tkam get food aggresive with each other.
  3. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    Yah, that does suck... well priorities are priorities. But blah. Having you not at the meet just seems wrong....
  4. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

  5. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    *does the tkam*
  6. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    Geez... I'm going to need to think about charging up a second battery then... THANKS ALOT GRANDPA!!!!
  7. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    I will most definitely be there by telephone. Unless of course I'm on the phone with Mikhail.
  8. http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=177667 So TTVJ is offering a reterm at 150 and drew is offering a recable at 250...
  9. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    *pokes 5687* what about me?
  10. GE, Do your reterms come with more grins than before?
  11. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    Hmm... Maybe I should start boking plane tickets.
  12. So... what tubes does the B-52 use anyways? 2 x 12au7/ax7 and 4 x 5687?
  13. Damn me, the heaedphones I have at my disposal include the 650s with a GE cable, k701s and HF-1s.
  14. Well you've got my Onix XCD-88 which can do it (acting as a transport) to my Lavry --> MPX3. Or you could do sometihng like a 9100ES, a E5 or a 555ES, which are obviously CDPs.
  15. Singlepower MPX3 with 6/12sn7GTs as driver 6BL7GT/6BX7GT as output, or something like a Tung Sol D Getter with 7n7 Gray Glass.
  16. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    DO IT!!!
  17. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    teeheehee Looks like there's gonna be some squeezing tonight
  18. PFKMan23

    Ohio meet May 6th

    I'll try to make it... in some way, shape or form....
  19. Me too.
  20. YES YOU DO!!!
  21. Just out of curiousity, why are Singlepowers off your list? The cost? Don't want to bother with tubes?
  22. *ponders* SP Proto, GSX or that....
  23. Given that the 6BL7GTs are octal tubes (the 6BX7GT are octal as well), no you do not need to use adapters for them.
  24. Maybe some 5687s, 6BX7s, 6350s, etc.. Probably something brighter with more impact...
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