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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. Ayt and Iron_Dreamer, You guys should have seen him introduce the Zhalou, IIRC he had a unit with the cover off and another covered unit. He's a damn good salesman, have to give him that. I think it's also worthy of note that I don't remeber but someone mentioned that on toher forums, the Zhalou isn't fairing nearly as well as on Head Fi.
  2. Raised/Pimped out Jeep Grand Cherokee I think...
  3. Deepending on what browser you use you might need to do a cookie/cache dump.
  4. Noooo!!!!!
  5. I figure I should have atleast one more coming my way soon so...
  6. Maybe?
  7. Should we give you a cookie?
  8. I'm thining maybe Mid July or so, if we want to do this....
  10. Well my hair does tend to fro out when it gets longer (and then I immediately shave it back down). As far as going curly goes I'd need to grow my hair out and put it in curlers or something.
  11. Maybe?
  12. Oi.. Curly hair and me have really bad synergy...
  13. The thing kinda looks assy IMO.
  14. I'll have to think about that one..
  15. Anyone interested in getting together for a SF Bay Area mini meet or or something of that sort around July or so?
  16. TTVJ (and Moon Audio I think) should be getting them in soon. They aren't cvheap though $50... And I think alot of people said that with other grados they really didn't work out that well.
  17. yah....
  18. Does the AE-1 use an op amp? I didn't think so but if I'm wrong feel free to list it.
  19. LOL!!!
  20. Nice pics todd but we need pics of you grinning.
  21. Hey guys I was thinking of getting some kind ofa guide for the op amp based amps (mainly portable commercial design) but other amps are welcome too.. Headroom: Micro Module: AD822 Destop Moldule: OPA2134 Home Moldule: OPA2134 Max Module: OPA627 Pocket Amp 2 V2: LM4881 LaRocco: Pocket Reference 2: AD8610* Xin: Super Macro IV: AD8397* Super Mini: AD8397* Super Micro: ??* Meier Audio: Porta Corda 3: LM6171 HAII MKII/SE: LM6171 Prehead II MKII SE: LM6171 Portaphile: V2/X^3: AD8610 Ray Samuels Audio: Hornet: AD8397 SR71: AD8610 XP7: AD825??* HR2: AD797* Note the amps that hagev an * by them denotes that the op amp can be swapped by the user....
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