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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. So then are the key differences between the home DAC and the max DAC the upsampling and the DAC chip used?
  2. It's curious how the Home DAC use 627s for outputs yet the home module use the 2134 for their op amp portion.
  3. I would pay that much for an amp, but in doing so, I also need to feel that it is/was worth it? And what is the primary function of it anyways? First it was a headamp first and then a preamp, but now it's a preamp and the headamp function is secondary?
  4. That is my main reservation as well, as price to performance ratio is also a deciding factor when purchasing something. However I am also concerned about the 2 little transformers, as I worry that they might not be able to handle their loads or are running at their limits.
  5. A new amp
  6. LIES!!!!
  7. In the very least, I hope he gives an option for silver knobs and corrects the orientation of those XLRs...
  8. ok welly.
  9. Any guesses on the MSRP? I'm guessing 250 for intro prcing (if he does that) and then 300 normal.
  10. This confuses me and here is why. If I read your comments on HF you say that the Raptor a fairly good amp. So is it or is it not (atleast according to you)? I don't know about you, but if listening to an amp led to my ears in pain, that's not a good amp at all.
  11. Does KG even have a sense of humor??
  12. What was/is the price?
  13. The 12V option is/was $250, as far as the bias switch goes, ask Mikhail...
  14. *squeezes hungrych*
  15. 2. The 12V option does nothing (in and of itself to the sound). However the 12V tubes in some cases can run quieter and such (are are cheaper generally than their 6V counterparts. As far as using 6 or 12V tuybes goes, it depends how he does the amp. Just make sure you tell him what you want (6/12V gain and 6/12V outputs; 6/12V gain and 6V outputs, etc....). 3. The 6BX7s are a more neutral/clean sounding tube than the BL7s. They are both octal and can be run hard, but which one to use just depends on preferences and synergy. 4. The regular MPX3 transformer is fine for this/
  16. *pokes your belly*
  17. Not to go all PETA on you, but I wouldn't necessarily consider some food production techniques regarding animals to be humane. But then again, some natural things are also quite grotesque...
  18. I think tkam and reks are big squeezable teddy bears!!
  19. $400 bucks to allow the Earmax to be "transportable" kthnxno.
  20. Can I play ball too? ok... 1. The SACD Mods 555ES that I bought off of Audiogon a couple months ago. It's an awesome source and I got a great deal on it. 2. the JVC headphones I bought offf of earl recently. They rival my 701s as my most used headphone. 3. The 14n7s definitely rank as one of the best purchases I've made
  21. http://www.russandrews.com/product.asp?src=google&lookup=1&region=UK&currency=GBP&pf_id=4568&customer_id=PAA0312091506458DLPCBNBTHFZZDGLF
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