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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. Silly Earl: http://www.enigmaaudio.com/EA%20Webside.html
  2. The amp trhat he is talking about isn't the M3 desktop amp, it is the mini cubed amp discussed here on Headwize: http://headwize.com/ubb/showpage.php?fnum=3&tid=6096&fpage=1
  3. I don't know that you're over analyzing, but I do think that that performance of portable amps is overstated/exaggerated a fair bit. Even though I own a portable amp (a Mister X PINT), I do feel that if the situation allows then unless the majority of your time is "on the go" and you feel that that is a desirable scenario, then a stationary solution is better. That being said, the only scenario that I'd see mucking that up is if you can only spend 1001-150 max, which IMO the only viable solutions are portable, unless you can somehow score a dynalo or something of that sort. But yes I don't really place much value into the whole X portable amp can compare with home amps, especially ones that are priced a fair bit higher. However, overall I do feel that certain portable amps/designs are ones worthy of looking at. But no I don't see a point in investing that much serious coin in a portable rig/
  4. The chat needs more grins.
  5. What are you talking about, Billy?
  6. Any more info on this? Seems to me some people already have this amp...
  7. Time to get the pizza and burgers
  8. Mikhail uses a retermed stock cable...
  9. He was always an overpriced cable maker.
  10. IIRC he said he only makes about 1 IC a month or so and seems to me that some members were having trouble contacting him.
  11. I don't think RnB even uses a website. Although it seems that he's basically out of the cable business.
  12. For a portable I'd prob ably go with MisterX's XP amp, a PIMETA or something like a PPAS. For home you have things like the Gilmore Lite, GS-1, the Singlepower Extreme, etc..
  13. What's your budget and do you mean stationary/home CDP or a portable?
  14. Also does Cryo treating the wire actually do anything to improve the sound?
  15. Does anyone have an opinion of his stuff? He seems to like making Ipod docks and mini to minis, but he sells some pretty expensive stuff. Can it really be worth it or even half as good as the other place says? http://www.aloaudio.com/multiarray/MA%20mini.html wow.... $200 mini to mini FTL.... *glares at GrandEnigma*
  16. Merry Christmas!!!
  17. PFKMan23

    funny $hit

    He offers modifications for the MF stuff (or greater than parts cost), most notably the X Cans amps: http://www.rock-grotto.co.uk/xcanpropage.htm
  18. PFKMan23

    funny $hit

    What's there to understand? Pink Floyd got slapped with a MOT tag. He's been modding the X Cans for a while now (for more than just parts cost), so now he's a MOT. Of course there still are are a lot of people who have gone under the radar or are ignored like Benny Boy (although from reading PF's forum he's gone for good), TURBO, Ori, etc....
  19. Don't you mean SA5000?
  20. The lack of ERS paper makes me mad.
  21. ok.. the MPX3 SLAM SE For the octal sockets: 6sn7gt/a/b, 6bx7gt, 6bl7gt/a, ecc32 with the tube adapters: 5687, 7119, 7044 (and whatever else I'm forgetting) With the Supra all you have are the octal options. Keep in mind the SLAM SE also includes some options like the high voltage switch, the BG power caps, Supra transformer, etc.. it also includes 5687 tube adapters + a set of tubes. Note that the Supra comes standard with the Solen 1 and the SA. With the Supra all you have is 1 voltage and presumably an auto bias.
  22. I do believe Tyll's announcement did mention sometime in Feb.
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