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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. We basically ripped him to shreds and he left.
  2. What kind of pranks did you play?
  3. Even better than the Stello DA220?
  4. tkam's quilt like display sucks
  5. True.. but I could probably get 300B levels of power by using several cheaper tubes...
  6. Maybe.... The power tube amp suggestion does get the gremlins cooking though...
  7. Hmm.. interesting.. I was thinking along the lines of some kind of tube amp that used power tubes, not sure if I want an OTL or TC design though... Some other SS options woud be cool too. @ Go Vibe.. I have a PINT so the Go Vibe would be a no.
  8. So I got a pair of K1000s a couple weeks ago, and now I need an amp. Any ideas?
  9. Honestly, if you want any meaningful impressions, I think you'll just need to buy it as there realy hasn't been that much on it anywhere.
  10. So then people have ears full of guano then?
  11. I store them in your belly, Charlie...
  12. I demand many pics!!!
  13. Pretty plug
  14. If that's the case then might be a good idea. I was speaking in terms of you having the original accesories and such.
  15. Honestly, that doesn't seem like that good of a deal. not bad but not that good either. My math is as follows, you sell the 650s at 250-275 + the 330 that you'd need to pay. So your "cost" would in fact be anywhere from 580-605. Don't the RS-1s go for around 525-500? The only exception that I would see is if they area pair with low hours ie: less than 50 or so or are one of the earlier ones with the wood box, assuming you care about that.
  16. ever since early this week/last week? About time...
  17. Who are these people, art? Surely you wouldn't mind putting specific names to :people would you?
  18. The Zana Deux is OTL.
  19. Damn that sucks. I hope he gets this resolved soon.
  20. The Blue Heaven (and Valhalla) are silver plated copper
  21. To address the original question, I think it makes enough of a difference in my system resulting in the fact that I do use some boutique cables (EA Oenomels).
  22. The Senn cable is the one that intrigues me
  23. Whoever taught you that needs to be have some A/C put through them...
  24. me too
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