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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. You and Todd should meet up to compare players
  2. Let's see, Resolution Opus 21, a modded Sony 9100 ES, Esoteric DV60, modded denon 5910, etc...
  3. I think we should have a forum dedicated to tkam
  4. To me, they have some kind of an upper midrange/lower treble sheen to them. Comfy but very funky sounding.
  5. He's been Rudistor's distributor for a while now.
  6. What is the demo price anyways?
  7. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showpost.php?p=2963571&postcount=357 Art just got reamed....
  8. Keep in mind also that if you wanted one of those refurbed 4G Ipods that already has the mod included, you'd need to buy from ALO as well.
  9. So Vinnie is finally offering a mod for the 5G Ipods now?
  10. Why do you say that? I've heard that he's strange but....
  11. Exactly. If I think a product sucks, I find it stupid that I would have to worry about how it affects someone's sales or whatnot. I'm a consumer giving my view on a product. If a manufacturer takes issue with that, tough.
  12. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?p=2902211&highlight=granodemostasa#post2902211 FYI, I do believe that the above post is where the tongue lashing started. That other thread is a bit later.
  13. The new Singlepower Solid State amp.
  14. Are you sure it's not your tubes that are bad?
  15. Well... If you use the 12ax7 which has a amplification factor of 100 or the 5751 which is a gain of 70 vs a 12au7 at about 20, you might want to use your texture control in order to get some use of your volume control
  16. Just for a frame of reference... I've owned closed woody 650s, but the enclosed sound that the woodies did to the 650s was just odd and I think the 650s have too much bass anyways.
  17. Wait... does the 6922 and the 6cg7 have the same pin out? Isn't the 6cg7/6gu7/6fq7 it's own adapter?
  18. If I wanted just the screened ones, yes. Although if I buy a pair I was thinking maybe a closed pair or one with covers.
  19. Well, I've never heard the 990s so...
  20. Anyone have any thoughts on these? To me they seem to have spiked in popularity as of late to a the point where I really wantto her them, but I'm kind of unsure.
  21. Hey Justin, You might want to update your order page as it lists the AE-1 there and also put some kind of a somewhat detailed page, like what the other amps have, for the GSX instead of just pics.
  22. I'd be careful opening up tubes as there are probably some nasty gases in there.
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