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High Rollers
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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. It does? Been thinking about getting an oracle senn cable for some time now for my 580s.
  2. Ask GE what he used, he has his recabled with whatever the Oracle cable is.
  3. http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,1663.0.html
  4. Yay tkam
  5. Dammit. I want an Aero vs. Opus comparison
  6. AFAIK, Earl is one of the slowest people to get his amps (in some cases a year + on certain amps). That is not preferential treatment at all. While the Zana Deux may have more inputs and outputs, the Extreme can have those added easily. The cheaper tube compliment has already been mentioned, but if you didn't see it, here it is again. With a tube amp, that's definitely a plus. And last I checked, the posted price of the Zana Deux doesn't even have the full compliment of tubes to run the amp. You still need to buy a 6SL7 and the 2 6c33s.
  7. A custom job.
  8. Keep in mind that is one of the more oddball of the SP MPX3s. It's a one of that was made several years ago, which really isn't indicative of most MPX3s and certainly not the SLAM SEs.
  9. Quiet you!!! *pokes your belly*
  10. Not sure what you're looking for in sonic signature, but I think you may also want to consider the Senn 600 or 580.
  11. I also had a woodied and recabled pair and they had this weird upper midrange sheen to them.
  12. Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
  13. Keep in mind SACD mods does offer a balanced out option for their mods
  14. Not likely, there is a silver dragoned pair that someone on HF has and tkam's pair had a blackmax (Headphile) cable on it and then he had GE install his oracle cable on it.
  15. PFKMan23


  16. PFKMan23


  17. PFKMan23


    Nothing really it's just an ad that's a post. Nothing special at all.
  18. hmm.. K1000 or 580 I suppose.
  19. Nanoha is confused
  20. That's not how we roll
  21. *glares at Todd*
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