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High Rollers
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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. 0. Aren't those his only pair?
  2. happy Birthday.
  3. I find it to be probably one of the best HF threads in a long while. There's just way too many people that say portable amps can meet or exceed home amps many times the price.
  4. But is it better than the K1000s?
  5. I call dibs if you sell the balanced mini cubed
  6. He sold his recently.
  7. You tell me, mini pizza man.
  8. wtf.....
  9. So then are we in agreement that he's a clueless twat who's either gonna bitch about his new toy or gonna be crying about how his old shit was better?
  10. So?? He's still a clueless wierdo.
  11. *shrugs* Around here, AT&T is very solid. I can't say the same about other carriers. And yes I have a huge tower right on the roof of my dorm. And also very good coverage at home.
  12. Do tell indeed...
  13. Maybe, I do want to see some Predators become fireballs though
  14. Seriously, do you reallly want to be helping Ray?
  15. Yes I did.
  16. I think jbsauce needs some belly squeezes.
  17. Damn straight!!!
  18. Happy Birthday!!!
  19. Not if I turn you into a tkam.... Maybe I should squeeze your belly too.
  20. Don't make me come over there!!!!
  21. I assume the later. Regardless though, mine is still cooler. Now if only I had a good source for it.... *glares at Nanoha
  22. MINE FIRST!!!!!!
  23. Mini cubed.
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