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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. I used my HD580s with the Apache and the sound was fairly nondynamic and uninspiring.
  2. Sorry, about that.
  3. From what I see of the pics there was a CD3k at the Woo table using the 4 pin jack for the K1k
  4. Triple pfft.
  5. 414 pads!!!
  6. me too
  7. JBSauce doesn't like R0s either?
  8. PFKMan23


    Yes I have one.
  9. PFKMan23


    Sign me up!!!
  10. The lack of impressions is disturbing.
  11. Care to elaborate more on this point?
  12. So then what's your budget? There are plenty of good choices out there, most of which you probably are aware of.
  13. Even balanced they were mediocre?
  14. isn't it the other way around? Or more like Nik does m ore expensive crap, while he does the more consumer level shit.
  15. As far as HF/HC goes though, I agree that here it's almost as bad in some ways, but here, we actually think for ourselves, rather than completely submit to some random piece of ad copy.
  16. Nice speakers jbsauce. You willl have some excellent synergy with heavy lifting.
  17. Assumnig you're not just saying that in jest, a lot of it is that on Head Fi, if anything against Ray is said, people are on it like crocodiles, and I for one, don't want to deal with that. On here it's easier to hold a contrarian opinion.
  18. I've used my mini cubed with K1ks so.... And yes it was just for kicks.....
  19. I plan to use my K1k (assuming I don't sell them) with my Pico, so it's not that far off
  20. PS3000s are PS1 drivers in a CD3k shell. One of Larry's crazy concoctions.
  21. Let's see... Performance: AKG K1000 > Sennheiser HD580 > AKG 701 > Sennheiser HD650 > Grado RS-1 > Grado HF-1 > JVC HA D990 > Sony CD3000 > Sennheiser PX100 What I prefer... Sennheiser HD580 > AKG K1000 > AKG K701 > JVC HA D990 > Grado HF-1 > Grado RS-1 > Sony CD3000 > Sennheiser PX1000 I think that's about right anyways
  22. I wonder why the Furutechs are that much more than the Xhadows, from what I've seen the cost difference seems to be about 2-30 dollars maximum for the pair, unless I'm looking at the wrong connectors.
  23. If I wanted to waste money, I would have just commissioned my own custom connectors
  24. Icarium, What made you choose the Furutech over the Xhadow?
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