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High Rollers
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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. Sorry about your thin skin!!!
  2. yay GE.
  3. I agree with tkam.
  4. Yay for tkam!!
  5. I don't think it's necessarily right say we will never be satisfied. I think it's more accurate to say that there's a limit to how much effort we're willing to spend and at that limit (whether it's time, money or whatever motivated), we say "this is damn good and I'm going to stop acquiring/pursuing gear".
  6. If you enjoy the amp, that is the most important. However if you are comparing amps, then accurate classification is very important That said I do not agree that there is "no high end" there are clearly some very high end amps and other components. However for some stuff where they classify is challenged.
  7. I'll call it progress when they are back up.
  8. Reading the apl forum it seems the Apl dac will be $5k or closser to that than the previous $4000 estiamte as I guess he had to redesign it or somesuch.
  9. Thanks tkam!!
  10. Indeed.
  11. That is one of the biggest issues with Head Fi impressions. oftentimes wha I find is that they do use 3rd party impressions, but they state it in such way that it seems that they themselves heard the amp.
  12. The MKII is out, but it seems to be there are some issues with it.
  13. Isn't this a new project unrelated to the Dynahi/might?
  14. Bleh, if only I was so luck to get at my feedback on Head Fi.
  15. I don't think anyone took it that way (assuming you're being serious). A proper balanced amp costs a fair amount of money, no way around that.
  16. Wasn't Leeav coming with Neil(vg)
  17. Not as fucked as you, but I'm looking to sell something soon and I was hoping to use my Head Fi feedback as a reference of sorts.
  18. I suppose it's damn obvious, but my guess is your reaction wouldn't be half as negative/skeptical if we had said that the Apache was awesome. I also don't need to comment that there is a lot of serious butt kissing on Head Fi. I posted my honest impression of a product I heard, as have others, I don't know what's so unbelievable about it.
  19. Dual Sigma 22!!!
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