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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. So what's his next can?
  2. I don't know that I call him a fucktard, but I do think it's stupid given Ray's history to somehow now expect him to answer a technical question or provide those types of details about his products.
  3. Yup. Been that way for a while now.
  4. The Supreme is what he calls his custom amp.
  5. I third the MS-1 suggestion.
  6. Looks like we've got a price. $475 regular and $425 for the first 200. So cheaper than the pico, but not by much. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f38/predator-portable-headphone-amp-usb-dac-combo-265138/index21.html#post3416426
  7. about 2:23 pm eastern.
  8. Happy Birthday!!!
  9. What's your source now (relevant if you get the stax)?
  10. nope, it was 125, and yes it was damn annoying that the outbox counted agaist the PM number.
  11. I don't think so.
  12. I think the number was 125, but yah I agree 125 is just too small, although I've learned to make due since I stopped contributing.
  13. I'm still interested in a HC T shirt but those are just
  14. And there goes one of the perks of being a contributor if true.
  15. Keep in mind that the individual who posted that comparison is a person who makes a business out of modding Zhaolu DACs (Ori).
  16. The whole thread was about 20 pages. The first 10 pages were general meet planning stuff and almost exactly at the midpoint was where the sparks started flying. I still have the second part saved (where it starts getting spicey)
  17. Keep in mind that the thread is question has been edited a few times, so chances are you got to see a neutered version of it.
  18. If you're talking about the OP he dumped the 999ES a while back.
  19. Given that the two have an exclusive business partnership, it's going to be damn obviously they are lumped together. Moreover, it is a great example of head fi super hype. And to be on topic I discovered Head Case when tkam showed it to me
  20. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  21. The Zapfilter mod is sacdmods. The one who most people talk about when they hear output transformers is Reference Audio Mod.
  22. Nope: http://www.underwoodhifi.com/mod_shanling.html
  23. No offense, but Bose is the Bose of hi-fi. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
  24. I wonder what's next for him
  25. Nobody cheaper than Nanoha
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