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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. How much does 5k worth of insurace cost anyways?
  2. Damn wtf, make the serial number the same as the date it ships? Is that even still possible?
  3. I just got mine and it sounds great
  4. I nominate tkam, becasue he's the best.
  5. PS3 60GB from the Bay.
  6. Happy Birthday Jacob!!
  7. They run on the warm/hot side of things for one...
  8. Somewhat ironic no?? As far as me, I have no in laws (not yet anyways), but there are some members of my family that I would like to get thrown off of the top of Taipei 101.
  9. Happy Birthday!!!
  10. Merry Christmas Folks!!!
  11. It's possible that English is not his first language, but he's proficient enough that he can be articulate and clear in his responses. I've met the guy and his English is fairly decent. I don't think a language barrier is the issue.
  12. I think knowing what your source is fairly important. That said, if you've got a computer as source, IMO save up for however many months and just get that.
  13. Happy Birthday!!!
  14. My ears, they bleed so I stab at thee. For me it will probably be the K1k or VTG.
  15. The DAC chip in the Ori Zhaolu is the AD1852 so...
  16. It is against the HF rules specifically: A Member of the Trade may not--via the forums, Private Messaging, or Head-Fi's e-mail relay function--volunteer any information about a specific product that he is selling or making, in response to a general request for information about a type of product or in any other discussion in the Main Forums. No advertising by Members of the Trade that is not pre-approved by the Head-Fi administrators is allowed in the member forums. Some sponsors have Branded Sponsor Forums in which they will be allowed to advertise their wares. There will also be designated areas and forums where sponsors and non-sponsors alike will be able to advertise their wares. Head-Fi is most definately NOT anti-trade. In fact, trade members are a welcome and vital part of the Head-Fi community. However, Head-Fi's Main Forums, its Private Messaging System, or its e-mail relay function are not to be used for unsolicited self promotion and advertising of audio products or services. http://hfimage.head-fi.org/rules.html
  17. Ask n_Maher, afterall his hertsens DAC is basically a max DAC (balanced and snazzy and such).
  18. CSI
  19. Given the significant price different between the two, you'd hope so
  20. Yup.
  21. Assuming you have a new chasis MPX3 the gain tube is the front most tube. In the toasters, it is on the right.
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