The new Portable Micro Amp/DAC one box thing is $399 + $199 for the DAC module to be added. There is also a separate Mirco and and Micro DAC for $399 each.
While that might be the case, the point of it is, at best it is a slight improvement, not some astronomical change, like some would have you believe. Seems to be that on HF anything faulty can be fixed by more burn in.
At this point its more of an order line (as the product is shipping, although shipping in small batches), os if you want one you just put your name down and then await further instructions.
A far bit. The L3000 goes for around $2500 or so and the ZD is $1990 + tubes + shipping. The W5000 is $700-$800 new and the HA5000 is a bit over $1k new ($1014 from PJ).