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High Rollers
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Everything posted by PFKMan23

  1. http://www.head-fi.org/forums/4142681-post380.html
  2. Happy Birthday guys!!! And aww, our little hungrych is growing up soo fast
  3. *pokes you with a pointy stick*
  4. Morph has psoted Jena Labs' response: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/4127257-post86.html
  5. Supposedly morph201 on head fi has a totally different story to tell, but I'm guessing this is much closer to the truth.
  6. Yup, those have been out for a few years now.
  7. what cables do you use?
  8. I'm not. The only time I use wired mice is when I'm on a public computer.
  9. Oh ok, that makes sense.
  10. Oh ok. I just thought those where 2 SE Zana Deux's. Does Craig have any plans to do a more formalized balanced Zana Deux?
  11. Is the amp on the very right the balanced ZD??
  12. Nice cat Todd ....... Don't mess with Todd
  13. PFKMan23

    Markl Mods

    I don't think anyone is criticizing the mod persay. We're more critcal of the fact that he used to perform them for free and now that he's realized how profitable that it can be, turned it into a business when it seems that he said he wouldn't do such a thing, especially in light of a further modification.
  14. WTF is that?
  15. PFKMan23

    Markl Mods

    Technically, yes. I don't think he'd add anything more to his markl mods thread unless it's to say that his changes aren't what someone says they are.
  16. Happy Birthday guys!!!
  17. Happy Birthday.
  18. Put me in the camp that says the 580/600 is better than the 650. There's simply too much bass/lower midrange intrusion in the 650.
  19. dew eet
  20. Did you mean to say seller??
  21. Nice wipers tkams And why are you getting some formalish clothes JB??
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