with respect to a source/amp combo (that's fairly small) at the $500 price point the Pico is very hard to beat, so that's what I'd go with. I think it sounds very good with my woodied SR80s and HF-1s.
From the information given and the fact that theres an IEC inlet, I think it''s just a single chassis. On the TTVJ page, you can see the rectifier in one of the other pics.
Well right. My point is, if you wanted an ice module based amp there are plenty of choices. The D sonic stuff in particular seems fairly desktop friendly spacewise, although way overkill for desktop speakers.
I'd get a D Sonic amp (or one of the other companies that uses the ICE modules that's even cheaper) + an 840c. No idea about speakers though.
*turns on the tkam signal*
Maybe he/she/it is a farce, but there really isn't that much that much differences in the attitude displayed by Jena Labs and "fake Jennifer". That representative seems just as stuck up as fake Jennifer.