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Everything posted by ronnielee54

  1. Pit Bull, oh wait, you said non-lethal. Never mind
  2. After re-reading your post, you are correct. We probably are a small group when it comes to listening to music on the go, but if some of my friends and co-workers are any indication, the numbers are growing.
  3. Watch out there Nanaoha. Whats this shit about the older generation dude. I'm an old fart (54 and still rock'n) and all of my cans are portable. I stumbled into this portable craze at the age of 53 and went apeshit the last year. Wife just shakes her head and frowns but who gives a shit. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  4. Just noticing how high they were rated in some of the posts in this thread. Now I do finally get ksc75's. Bought an amp on HF and the guy threw in a pair for free. Had never heard them before today. No hype intended, but for a 25.00 headphone, wow.
  5. Okay what is the secret with marshmallows.. Are my ears that fucked up, or is there some kind of packaging material inside them you are supposed to remove (joking). Seriously, I just don't get them. I understand we all have different opinions on what sounds good, but damn, those phones just flat fucking suck. Maybe the ones I bought were just bad. But as they say, to each his own.
  6. Just found a Kenwood on ebay for 20 bucks, shipping included. No model listed, but that ain't much to loose. Probably give it a shot. Thanks
  7. Is it possible to find a high quality PCDP these days. Not concerned with anti-shock (will be used for desktop) or FM tuner. Mainly concerned with build quality, AC capable, and SQ out of lineout. Checked ebay and there are some older players, but can't find any info on them. All the new stuff that I have found seems to be nothing but shit.
  8. Yeah, you will usually find at least one post like that in every single thread. Doesn't matter if it is an amp, cable, or set of cans. Wonder how long it will be before that starts over here, with a number of us migrating over. I swear to all thats holy, if I haven't heard it, I won't pitch it.
  9. What I take issue with is "Oh my God, these/this is the best (fill in the blank) ever!". Or, they offer an opinion on a product they have never seen nor heard, but they have read other peoples's comments ("I have never heard them but whatshisname sya they are excellent, can't go wrong with them"). WTF!
  10. Starting to not miss head-fi so much. Kind of different over here.
  11. Some of us are forced to rely on other peoples opinions. If you live in Bumfuck Egypt like I do, miles from any meets and lack of quality audio retailesr, all you can do is research the hell out of all the forums, try to stay away from FOTM's, and go for it. Was ready to buy Hornet "M" from research done at Head-fi. After finding Head-case, decided to spend another week researching. Ended up buying AE-2. Am very happy with AE-2 so I guess that is all that matters.
  12. Well I stopped by on way to work. Looked exactly like 2nd gen Nano. Guarentee they came straight from papachina.com. Bad thing is they were selling quite a few. 39.99-512mb, 69.99-1gb and up. Fools could have went out and bought a Creative or Sandisk for that price.
  13. Don't know about that. I have seen some MP3 players that I wouldn't give 10 bucks for.
  14. Not a sucker man. I just live 3 miles from there and have to work tomorrow anyway. I don't bend over that fucking easy. I just want to see what they are passing off. To me the colors are the tipoff. The picture looks like 1st gens and I am pretty damn sure they didn't come in colors.
  15. Just came out of Walmart and found flyer on windshield about Apple authorized sale of normally 199.99 ipods for 39.99 tomorrow in parking lot of Best Western Motel. Limit 10 per customer. Choice of pink, blue, black, green, silver, or red. They look like last years nanos. Was always curious about what happened to all the old stock when new models came out. Only thing that throws me is the red one. I remember a special version that came out with proceeds going to AIDS research or something, but I thought it was the video model. Must check this out just for curiousity.
  16. Headamp AE-2. Just opened the box.
  17. Whenever I saw a high post count, I always wondered how many of them were x2, lol, or ^.
  18. Thanks justin and recstar24. Just sent Asr email. Bought AE-2 off of him and can't wait to get it.
  19. I was in the middle of a transaction with Asr. Anybody have his email address? PM if so please.
  20. Glad to here it's on it's way. I hope you have good luck with it.
  21. Hey Nick. Lost track of the ongoing saga due to Head-fi crash. Forgive me for asking, but did you ever recieve your Diablo?
  22. Just chose Headamp AE-2 over Hornet "M". AE-2 just seemed to have more of what I wanted (li-ion battery, RCA inputs). Despite all the praise heeped on the Hornet at Head-fi, still chose AE-2. Will I be welcome here, or do I need to hang my head in shame and crawl back to Head-fi?
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