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Everything posted by ronnielee54

  1. Rotate your radial arm saw 90 degrees and you can rip with it.
  2. My favorites have been PX100's, ES7's, and currently D1001's. I seem to like the Denon's the best for comfort but have to give sound quality to the ES7's by a very slight margin.
  3. Try taking some of the material on the sides of the spades off with a Dremel tool or file if you don't have a Dremel.
  4. http://www.musicdirect.com/product/73106 Am I correct in assuming that I can connect a turntable and headphones to this phono amp and be able to use it without my reciever connected? If so, what are your opinions of it based on sq or value, or is there someting better that would allow me to do the same thing. I do wish it was MC instead of MM but oh well. I have an old Dual 721 that I wouldn't mind moving to my office, but really don't want to have to deal with the reciever and speakers in there also. Thanks
  5. New wireless router. Old one fried during last storm.
  6. It has been my experience that if the room has a fair amount of natural light such as a living room or den, and it cannot be significantly darkened in the day, that you tend to get better results with LCD's than Plasma's. If it is going to be in a basement and you have a good installer artound your area, you might check out an overhead setup.
  7. Have to put in a vote for cherry. I prefer it's grain much more than oak.
  8. Modded HD580's
  9. Pioneer Elite VSX-90TXV receiver, MS-1's, modded HD-580's. It was a good Wednesday.
  10. I've never heard the ES7s. How is the isolation? Some people have said they are only fair at isolation, but when I am wearing them at work, they seem to isolate really well for me. I think alot of it has to do with how well they fit each individual user. I also don't have an issue with discomfort that a lot of people complain about. From what I can tell from other users comments on the cans, they are not a one size fits all headphone.
  11. Thanks, I thought it sounded pretty good.
  12. Just got an offer of 180 + shipping for 5 year old 600's rated 8/10 on audiogon. Sounds like a good deal to me. Am I wrong?
  13. Would I be better off going 210 for the stock or 250 for the Red Clou cable upgrade. Have done much research yet on the Red Clou. Found some threads on HF and so far it sounds like it might be a pretty good cable upgrade. Right now I have emails out to the sellers trying to find out exactly how old the cans are.
  14. I have been trying to score a pair of HD580's recently and have noticed that for the prices I have been receiving I can almost get a pair of HD600's. I found one pair for 210 with a Audigon rating of 8/10 and another pair for 250 with same rating plus a Red Clou cable upgrade. the plan is to occasionaly use them with Headamp AE2 and mainly at home with Onkyo reciever for movies late night. I have an older Sony DVD player. When I bought this player, I researced it pretty heavily and bought it because it was pretty highly regarde for it's SACD\dc playback. The future plan is to upgrade to Bluray and then take Sony player and run it through a home amp (for example Gilmore Lite or eqivalent). I have heard 580's before but have never heard 600's. My question is would it be better to spend another 35 to 50 (based on offers I have received for 580's - 175 to 240) and just get the 600's?
  15. Check the Pawn Shops. For your budget you can up a pretty decent laptop with a DVD drive.
  16. Don't feel bad about loving your ES-7's dude. I must admit that I love mine as well.
  17. Recently upgraded car stereo to Alpine CDA9885 so I could use my Ipod in the car. Original plan was to buy Nano and leave it in the car all the time, but have been reading on a few car audio forums that the new Ipods (Nano and Touch specifically) are having problems interfacing with pretty much all car recievers. Don't know this for a fact but that is what I have been reading. Now the plan is to buy new Classic for my everyday use at work and move my 5.5g 30 gig to car. The reason I had originally planned on the Nano was no hard drive to be affected by vibration (if it would). Do you think wrapping Ipod in foam rubber would reduce vibration safely, or do I even need to bother?
  18. Same here, Go Tigers!
  19. I sometimes find that some members prefer that newbies would just go away. We all started out as newbies. On the other hand, I feel it is the newbies resposibility to do some research on their own before starting a thread. Quite a few times the answer to their question has been given many times.
  20. Okay after finding this place just recently, and then jumping back and forth to the other forum (HF), I am starting to loose patience with the other place. Does any of those fuckers know how to use the search function. Surely by now everybody ought to fucking have a pretty good idea of what the "best closed headphone under $100" is, or even the "best portable amp under $150" is.
  21. As far as the "Senn house sound" goes, I currently use PX100's as my everyday work cans. I don't know how the sound signature of these compare to other Senn's. But for what they are (cheap cans), I have always been well pleased with them.
  22. Alright I guess I had that one coming.....bitch.
  23. I have had the oppritunity to audition these cans twice. Once unamped out of ipod and once with an iBasso P1. Was dissapointed both times. Knew I would be with them unamped. Not quite as dissapointed with them out of the P-1 but something was still lacking. Have since upgraded to AE-2 and was wondering if this amp would be more suited for them (no longer have cans avilable for auditioning). Have found a couple of really good deals on used ones (around 120 USD shipped). Not much to loose and could always resell if I didn't like results. Would be used mostly for Blues or older Rock (no metal).
  24. Hell yeah! We will suck for a year or 2 but in the end it will get better. Can't believe Ole Miss is paying him 2M a year.
  25. Wouldn't really be a deal breaker, but does the D-EJ2000 have an optical out?
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