This thread makes me sad. Had to put the family cat to sleep last month. She was suffering from a hyperthyroid and was loosing about a pound a week. Still got the yard dog so things are not all bad.
Under $150 probably. Have had Porta-pros, have PX-100's and KSC75's at the moment. The reason I was asking about the Senns was because of the glowinf review on Headroom.
I had them for awhile and liked them quite a bit, but I am looking for something a little more compact in size and more comfortable like a PX100. I replaced the ES7's with Denon 1001's for use at work.
Has anybody heard the Senn HD238's? I am currently using PX100's for portable and am looking to replace them. From what I have read, seems like they may be a decent choice.
I know a couple of people that are using computers with hd capture cards.
EDIT: One of them just walked in. The computer with capture card idea works with over-the-air transmissions. It looks like you are locked into Dish networks equipment.
I have found that the Audioquest HDMI cables have pretty good clamping force. I use the HDMI-A's which are their low end cables, and have had no problems with them coming loose. Their audio and video performance is pretty good to for a reasonably priced cable.
Have you checked out the Moxi HD DVR? Have not had much time to really research it, but the little bit I have read about it on other forums, it is supposed to be a serious competitor to Tivo.
Heads up to anyone interested, Best Buy has Sienfeld Complete Series for 99.95 today only. I lucked out and got the last one at my local store, but the deal is good online also.
Never thought I would buy this on bluray, but I got hooked last season and couldn't fucking say no. I have got to get more willpower when it comes to blurays.