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Everything posted by ronnielee54

  1. This thread makes me sad. Had to put the family cat to sleep last month. She was suffering from a hyperthyroid and was loosing about a pound a week. Still got the yard dog so things are not all bad.
  2. I thought I had a setup in my bedroom. That is just fucking wild. My wife would shoot me if I tried to pull something like that off. Good job.
  3. Then they ought to be worth the $85 I found them selling for. Thanks
  4. Under $150 probably. Have had Porta-pros, have PX-100's and KSC75's at the moment. The reason I was asking about the Senns was because of the glowinf review on Headroom.
  5. I had them for awhile and liked them quite a bit, but I am looking for something a little more compact in size and more comfortable like a PX100. I replaced the ES7's with Denon 1001's for use at work.
  6. Well he would know. Good enough for me. Thanks
  7. Has anybody heard the Senn HD238's? I am currently using PX100's for portable and am looking to replace them. From what I have read, seems like they may be a decent choice.
  8. A 5 inch bug that farts. Holy shit!
  9. He never touched me but I am not a young boy.
  10. Far more deserving IMFO
  11. I know a couple of people that are using computers with hd capture cards. EDIT: One of them just walked in. The computer with capture card idea works with over-the-air transmissions. It looks like you are locked into Dish networks equipment.
  12. Sorry, my bad. As I said, I really have not had the time to research it much. Did not know it was for cable only.
  13. I have found that the Audioquest HDMI cables have pretty good clamping force. I use the HDMI-A's which are their low end cables, and have had no problems with them coming loose. Their audio and video performance is pretty good to for a reasonably priced cable.
  14. Harry Potter years 1 thru 5 on Bluray
  15. Have you checked out the Moxi HD DVR? Have not had much time to really research it, but the little bit I have read about it on other forums, it is supposed to be a serious competitor to Tivo. http://www.moxi.com/us/tivo_vs_moxi.html
  16. I would have to go with M.A.S.H. as best sitcom ever, but no single episode of any sitcom will ever top "The Contest" IMFO.
  17. Heads up to anyone interested, Best Buy has Sienfeld Complete Series for 99.95 today only. I lucked out and got the last one at my local store, but the deal is good online also.
  18. ronnielee54

    True Blood

    Never thought I would buy this on bluray, but I got hooked last season and couldn't fucking say no. I have got to get more willpower when it comes to blurays.
  19. New Mirage speakers for the HT.
  20. Ah man, brings back a lot of good memories
  21. ALO will come out with a better one within a month.
  22. ^ my bad, make that Orbitrac
  23. Music Direct sells a pretty decent one made by Orbitron. Around 50 bucks. I have used it for many years and like it quite a bit.
  24. Denon 1800BDP
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