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Everything posted by ronnielee54

  1. Been to the Austin show a few times (held every spring during SXSW). Went with a friend to sell. Never saw so much vinyl in my life. Honestly did not see a lot of bargains though. Most sellers were pretty established dealers. One guy from Venice Beach had a box of 45's. They started at about $75 and went up to over $400.
  2. Became completely debt free. House, cars, and credit card all clear. Will sleep good tonight.
  3. Is it possible to get drunk enough to get that tattoo?
  4. Not as interesting as studying for a piss test.
  5. Just saw on the news tonight where the local Petco is offering $200 for return of kitten. The kitten had recently been rescued from animal shelter and was being held at Petco for new owner to pickup. A man (caught on video) walked out of the store with it. Can't for the life of me figure out why someone would steal a kitten. I never realized there was a shortage or they were that rare.
  6. Nice player, wish I had one.
  7. Enjoy your new toy
  8. Don't really think you would be dissapointed with a Denon
  9. The Denon uses Anchor Bay Technology for it's video processing. From what I have read on AVS it is prefered more. But I would think that the Oppo would have even better video processing than either receiver. The only complaint I have ever had with Onkyo is that they run very hot compared to alot of other AVR's. As far as inputs go, it would be hard to imagine the need for more than 4, but who knows. The lack of 2 subwoofer outputs on the Denon can be solved with a y adapter. I still vote Denon.
  10. Would not have worked with my cat. About all she would the last 2 months she was alive was the gravy off of Tender Vittles. She would leave the solid parts. Made the dog happy though. She got the leftovers along with her normal food and must have gained 5 pounds those 2 months.
  11. No problem, but my Lab will not be going to that vet anymore. Time to find a new one.
  12. Definitely worth another $100.00. You will be happy with the Denon. I have had Pioneer Elite, Onkyo, Sony, Kenwood, and Denon. So far the Denon is my favorite with the Onkyo coming in a close second.
  13. Well that trully sucks. I guess that is the downside of living in the sticks. Had we had the option of a cream presented to us, we could have done that easily. It was never metioned to us by the vet.
  14. Wanna trade? Hasn't rained here in close to a month. Another high 90 to low 100 degree day on the way. I am having to go home at lunch every day, change clothes, hose down the dog, change clothes, and go back to work.
  15. Pioneer has a headphone surround listening mode. I use it some for watching movies late at night. It is better than just plain stereo but nothing even close to speakers. I have an old Marantz 2020B that I use for a headphone amp when it comes to music listening. Not the best, but it works.
  16. Not for that poor guy.
  17. Plus, it's a Denon
  18. http://www.6ave.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=DENAVR1910 This one has OSD and video conversion
  19. Count me in as a member of that club. I thought the same when I bought my Pioneer.
  20. Confused on this receiver (Yamaha). Found 1 review that says it processes Dolby True HD and 1 that says no. Anybody know for sure? If it doesn't that sucks. To me the biggest improvement I notice in Bluray is the audio. Can see some improvement in the video but the audio improvement is much more noticeable.
  21. That is exactly what I did, 2809
  22. Yes I can. But it will be Dolby Digital or DTS. No HD audio formats. My Pioneer Elite is the bottom level unit for the year it was manufactured. From what I can tell it was abandoned from their lineup very quickly and clearanced out (gave 400 for mine). Probably because of the stupid ass design. It looks to me like the Yamaha has a multi-channel decoder and is capable of processing Dolby True HD, so if swt61 is willing to run 6 fucking audio cables he can get HD audio. I am doing that with my Pioneer and it sucks but it is what it is.
  23. Maybe not. I have a Pioneer Elite (VSX-90TXH) that has HDMI inputs and it will not procees audio through these inputs. Stupid fucking idea IMO. I have to use the multi-channel inputs (analog) to get HD audio. swt61, does your Yamaha have multi-channel inputs and if so does it process HD audio. Also does the Oppo have multi-channel outputs.
  24. We tried giving her medications, but she was impossible to give a pill to. The vet was even unable to medicate her. It got to the point where it was just tormenting her to much, so since she was about 15, we elected to make her as comfortable as possible and when she started getting sick we decided it was time.
  25. The B&O stuff is actually pretty good. Overpriced when it was new, but definitely good for free. I have had some of it over the years (mostly their turntables) that I have picked up in pawnshops for cheap.
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