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Everything posted by ronnielee54

  1. And my all time favorite, "OMG, did you notice a pause 2 minutes and 27 seconds into chapter 15 of [insert name of random movie]". Have to admit though that I belong to 4 of those forums.
  2. I have a 47" and 42" LG LCD and a 60" LG plasma. Am very happy with all 3. I was able to buy from a local mom and pop store who had JVC, Toshiba, Samsung, and LG. Prefered the LG LCD's picture over the others. When I bought the plasma, Panasonic was my first choice but I got tired of waiting for them to be shipped and bought the LG.
  3. ^This for the win
  4. Damn, if that is vintage, I must really be fucking old.
  5. I was given a Marantz 2110 tuner and a Marantz 1122DC pre amp from a buddy who use to own a pawnshop. Both are fully functional but the 1122DC has 3 broken pushbutton switches that with a little luck and a lot of searching I can replace. These are going to replace the Marantz 2220 (also a freebie from same buddy) in my vintage rig.
  6. I'll let you in on a little secret. A lot of us down here have that same hatred for our visitors from the north every winter. Then spring comes and the obnoxious fuckers go back home. Of course we will probably never learn how to properly pronounce wine names, but life goes on.
  7. Agree. Had one gifted to me last year and have had a lot of fun with it. They have a pretty darn good tuner in them.
  8. Tastes like chicken
  9. Audio tweaks
  10. `Sam the Sham and the Pharaos
  11. Good one, oh and nice post
  12. Good show. Read the other day it got picked up for another season.
  13. Blurays Bought: True Blood Season 2 BBC Planet Earth Apollo 13 Saving Private Ryan Pre-ordered: BBC Life (the one with Sir David, not fucking Oprah) Alice In Wonderland Sparticus
  14. Not a damn thing since I just sent off 700 bucks to the state of Arkansas for my taxes. This is in addition to what they already recieved from me throughout the year. Fucked up year for taxes in my house.
  15. Hell yeah. We even speak a little English down here occasionaly.
  16. You will like Jonesboro. It is in a really nice area of the state. Not to far from the Spring River if you are into canoeing or kayaking.
  17. "Cool Hand Luke", "Leon The Professional", "The African Queen" and "The Getaway" on Bluray
  18. Down to 8.99 today for all of them except First Rays of New Rising Sun and Valley of Neptune (they are still 10 bucks). Just ordered all 5 and can't f'n wait
  19. Shemekia Copeland - Turn The Heat Up
  20. Damn good cases. I have had a Serpent for almost a year now and still holding up good.
  21. Agree with that. Suprised any of them live as long as he did with their lifestyles.
  22. I went with Nikon, but it was mainly because I was already invested in the Nikon system. I bought a D50 and all of my older Nikon lenses and flashes work on the D50 body. Both brands make fine cameras.
  23. The Wire Season 5 DVD The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Concert DVD Generation Kill Blu-ray
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